I wish I could, but how do you go about forgetting someone who has nearly single-handedly shaped you from childhood, for better or worse?

Our personalities collided, we almost merged, and in rebellion divided again, repelling each other in opposite direction. I don't know who started the divide, but I pushed you and you pushed me.

I told you I wasn't going to blame you and I don't.

You've found something else to model your life after. I guess it doesn't hurt so much to take second place to God. I can think of much worse things for you to worship other than me.

But can you tell me that you still don't think of me? Sure you can tell me that, but you've always been such a smooth liar. I can feel you calling to me sometimes, thinking of me. Why do you think of me, and why do I still think of you?

You've never held me in your arms, you've never told me that you loved me. Why have I let you make such an impact on me?

We've both grown up and I still can't forget about you.