user since
Sun Oct 22 2000 at 05:43:23 (24 years ago )
last seen
Sun Mar 10 2024 at 02:22:48 (7.5 months ago )
number of write-ups
288 - View qousqous's writeups (feed)
level / experience
21 (Poobah) / 23862
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
i am good at fearing the sounds
PSU, outies, but really i want to be Captain Vancouver
I fear nothing. I believe nothing. I am free.
categories maintained
most recent writeup
September 27, 2006
Send private message to qousqous

i don't know anymore

should i just say...

Velvet Munky Uzbek House!

names for humans:

  • Savannah
  • Caleb
  • Thursday

names for cats:

  • Rasputin
  • Anastasia
  • Mustafa
  • Lombardo Tsziar

It is said that what is called "the Spirit of an Age" is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation.
      —Ghost Dog: the Way of the Samurai

You would not use Canada in the dark
Michael Jordan would not use Canada
You don't use Canada at night
Canada does burn
Canada does not make sound
You would not use Canada daily

You do love Mount Rushmore

Polyester is shiny
Polyester is used by the police
Michael Jordan might not be able to use polyester
You might use polyester at work
Polyester is not usually warm
You can smell polyester

Michael Jordan would not use marzipan

Michael Jordan might not be able to use a hutch

Bill Clinton is not a specific color
Bill Clinton can growl
Bill Clinton is not comforting
You cannot play with Bill Clinton

Michael Jordan might not be able to use a tortilla

Spontaneous Knowledge
Tonic water might be stolen
You might use tonic water with your friends
You might lift tonic water
Tonic water probably doesn't use electricity
You might touch tonic water
You might not switch tonic water on and off
You might not insert coins into tonic water
You might not find tonic water in a church
Tonic water is probably not green
Tonic water is probably not normally planted in gardens
You might not wear tonic water
You might not recycle tonic water
You might not wear tonic water on your finger
Tonic water probably doesn't have anything to do with salad
Tonic water is probably usually visible
Tonic water probably doesn't eat birds
Tonic water might not have hands

Turkey stuffing probably doesn't need love

A coin purse is probably not a type of fish
You might not wear a lanyard on your Willy
A lanyard is probably not sentient
A coin purse probably doesn't like to clean itself
A coin purse is probably not dangerous

Breast feeding is probably not a celebrity
A hutch probably doesn't perform at Sea World
A hutch might not liquefy small furry animals
People might not meet in a hutch
A hutch probably doesn't eat birds
A hutch probably doesn't slither
A hutch is probably not a lazy animal
A hutch is probably not a feeling
A hutch is probably not sold by the jar
A hutch probably doesn't have a siren
A hutch might not sting
A hutch is probably not celestial
A hutch probably doesn't bounce

Beethoven is probably not shiny
Beethoven might think
Beethoven is probably not in located in space
You might not get milk from Beethoven
You might not squeeze Beethoven out of a bottle
Beethoven probably doesn't have fleas
Beethoven is probably not a pizza topping
You might not swing Beethoven

Scarlet fever probably doesn't nest on top of chimneys
You might not be able to talk to scarlet fever at a party
Scarlet fever probably doesn't have deft fingers
Scarlet fever is probably not used to make atomic bombs
You might not have to renew scarlet fever every year
Scarlet fever probably doesn't have to be cooked to be what it is
You might not need scarlet fever to go bowling
Scarlet fever is probably not radioactive
Scarlet fever probably doesn't cluck
Scarlet fever is probably not farmed commercially
Scarlet fever is probably not undergoing fusion

A neon light is probably not capricious

Cabernet sauvignon is probably tasty
Cabernet sauvignon probably doesn't belong in a circus

A juice box probably doesn't have eyes
A juice box might not breathe
A juice box probably doesn't fill outer space
A juice box might not be driven
You might not wear a juice box on your head
A juice box is probably not fictional

You might not recycle freckles
Freckles probably doesn't have tusks
You might not need a key to use freckles
You might not find freckles in space
You might not squeeze freckles out of a bottle
You might not wear freckles on your Willy
Freckles might not be elected to public office
Freckles might not be used in tea
You might not use freckles as money
Freckles is probably not used to carry things
You might not catch freckles
Freckles is probably not toxic to living beings
Freckles probably doesn't get you high

Things I didn't know
A postcard does not have a cable

A whistle does not burrow

Polyester is not a type of precipitation
Polyester does not bring joy to people
Polyester is not smooth
Polyester cannot be turned on

A hutch does not eat garbage

You would not talk to an epiglottis at a party

You cannot control beer

Men don't find barbeque sauce erotic

You cannot walk on twilight


 : The reincarnation of colors give evidence what telepathy is likely not be restrict have effective from distanced.

according to , I am not as good as Mac OS X, but better than Guinness.

jesus loves you ME



withoutforth diaeresis kakistocracy unmorrised
oscillatory vicissitudinous withinforth woohoo
circumvolant attitudinarianism healthlessness latinitaster
cretinism -'s -s After-glow





qousqous is a non-conformist un-American dirty Communist red pinko fag!


look at yourself. yes, you. i love you. thank you.

>       welcome to my <hr> collection

watch your step


I am afraid of pretty things because I break them.
