Kyneton is a medium sized town located in central Victoria, Australia. On a roadsign the population is listed as 4,900.

How to Get There
By car from Melbourne takes around 1 hour and 10 minutes. There is also a train which you can catch from Melbourne (Spencer Street and North Melbourne are two stations at which this train stops).

Whats Great About It
In the area around the town is that it is located in an interesting part of Victoria. The countryside around there is quite diverse with a lot of hills, lakes, State forest. There are interesting farms to visit such as wineries and historic homes. The towns around have a lot of historic buildings. The shops in these towns are interesting, with examples such as bakeries, art galleries, antique stores and tea rooms. Special places nearby are Hanging Rock, Mount Macedon, Castlemaine, Daylesford, and Woodend.

Kyneton was settled in the mid 19th century and grew in size during the Gold Rush era. Many significant buildings were completed in the town during the Gold Rush era. These remain in the town as a reminder of that era. Much of the construction used basalt from the local volcanic area. Caroline Chisholm (featured in Australian currency) had her beginnings here, creating a home for travelling families during the Gold Rush.

Natural Environment
The eucalypt forests provide a home for much wildlife. Flowers are beautiful in these forests especially during spring. Grey Kangaroos are seen in the afternoons, and possums seen at night.

See also:small town