Alex Jones's infiltration of Bohemian Grove is covered in English journalist Jon Ronson's Channel 4 series, The Secret Rulers of the World, and also in his book Them. The television version is interesting, as it includes the footage captured fairly ineptly by Jones using a camera concealed in a sports bag, and an interview with a former Bohemian Grove attendee, none other than Harry Shearer (better known as Derek Smalls, Charles Montgomery Burns, Principal Skinner etc. etc.). It also gives one the chance to experience Jones's persona first-hand, and ponder whether he is a genuinely committed "enemy of the New World Order", or an opportunistic media player, feeding off the genuine paranoia of his listeners.

However, the true absurdity of the whole episode is revealed by a reading of the relevant chapter in Ronson's book. What is not mentioned in the TV show is that Jones and his cameraman were not the only people to infiltrate the "Cremation of Care" ceremony. Ronson himself was able to stroll past the front gate and take his place amongst the other movers and shakers taking part. Jones had been advised that this was the best way to get in, but was unable to believe that security would be so lax. Believing that he was infiltrating a pagan ritual which would expose the seamy underbelly of the New World Order, he assumed that capture would have serious consequences. He and his cameraman dived into the bushes and made their way through the forest while Ronson casually walked through the front door.

In the event, Ronson appears to have had a better view of the ceremony, and certainly a better opportunity to mingle with the attendees. He apparently had no video equipment with him, however, so his experience of the event was left out of the TV version. What becomes clear from his narrative of the event, however, is that what he was witnessing was a group of powerful men on holiday, misbehaving in a rather adolescent fashion.