Update: http://www.bigchill.net/forum/read.php?f=1&i=22867&t=22867
You can find a very big stodge game at that URL! I think I should also mention that this is a BRITISH game.


There are very few rules to The Stodge Game - the game is one of honour, trust, friendship and respect. At first potential players are skeptical of the game's ability to entertain, but after a very short while will be charmed by its simplicity and efficiency. Do not judge 'Stodge' until you have played it.

The Rules

  1. A turn is made by a player taking the name of a film, and replacing one or more significant syllables or words with the word 'Stodge'.
  2. Players may take their turns in any order.
  3. The turn resulting in the stodge 'Stodge' is known as the Primary Stodge.
  4. The turn resulting in the stodge 'The Stodge' is known as the Duality Stodge.
  5. No scoring or judging of turns is to occur, whether quantitative or qualitative.
  6. The game ends when a consensus for the game to end is reached between the players.

Examples: Novice

Examples: Intermediate

Examples: Advanced


  • Should players begin to flag, it may aid them to consider a new genre of film as a fresh supply of stodging material.
  • Do not be afraid to follow one Primary Stodge with another Primary Stodge. The same applies to Duality Stodges.
  • Play the game with strangers... you will have fun.

Here's one to get you going: Ferris Bueller's Stodge Off.

Update: The stodge game can now be played online at this URL: http://www.paeuw.com/stodge/voicestodge.php - you can phone in your stodge!