A revert is also a move that can be performed on a snowboard.

1. First a little speed is obtained.
2. The upper body should then rotate in the direction that the revert is going to spin before the board moves.
3. The rider should concentrate on shifting weight onto the front corner of the board that is to dig into the snow, while unweighting the tail. (eg, if the rider is normal footed and is doing a frontside revert, they should weight the front heelside edge of the board.)
4. The energy obtained from rotating the body in step 2 is now used to swing the board around 180 degrees, landing along the edge opposite from the edge that was weighted in the beginning.

A variation on this trick includes using the energy stored in the board during the weighting of the nose to ollie while rotating. This airtime helps if the spin is to complete 360 degrees. Also, through the balance obtained by being a master ;) this spin can be continued on the nose indefinitely.