I signed up for the Ironman late. I had read but forgotten that November is National Novel Writing Month and so now I REALLY have random strangers encouraging me to pump out text.

The problem is I like writing for writing's sake. That and the tiny words of encouragement from my friends are always enough. That and I have really low expectations. Perhaps I should start with Starcraft, or rather, Starcraft 2.

Goo and I played a Stacraft 2 tonight...Storm of the Imperial Something or Whatnot...it's the DotA for Starcraft 2.

It was really, really fun. And that, is EXACTLY my point. Saying something is really, really fun is about as bad as you can get as writing goes. But I just don't care. I just want to get my writeup for the day done so that I can say I'm an Ironman, achievement unlocked an all that, and go back to playing Starcraft.

I don't give a crap about spelling and punctuation and grammar or even making me reader care what she is reading about. I just want to play some great game someone made until I get bored with it and I can go on to something else. I so love games. And I love talking about them with my friends. Sure I love words, and writing can be fun, but Jesus I know people who have published books, it didn't make them rich, it didn't get them laid, and all the cheap laughs they got they never even knew about. At least when I tell my jokes at work I get the instant gratification of making people laugh.

Comedians are not comedians because they love to make people laugh, the do it because they are damaged and need love from strangers. --Dana Gould.

And right now I need games with strangers. (because my friends are all asleep)