So this is my 5th and final daylog in November. It's also the 18th and final node that will count towards the ironman (assuming nothing get's nuked...but in any case I wrote 18 nodes) which I decided I would give up on some time in mid November. I got some good feedback on the stuff I wrote for the ironman, but in the end, it was just too much for me. I could blame a couple of common colds, I could blame working 40 hours a week and all the Starcraft 2 I've been playing, but really I just decided to quit.

It got to the point where I felt I had to make a choice between what was good for me and what was good for E2. It was nice writing some nodes that weren't just daylogs, though. I do love titles.

Thanksgiving was more busy at work than I had feared. Plenty of people from outside of the US who don't care at all about the holiday. Just Christmas left. I do love eggnog. New Year's (and Halloween) aren't as annoying as the other holidays in the Holiday Season.

I'm a little worried my gaming with friends will be reduced to too little when a second baby arrives. I'm sure I can find something to do with my time though. Maybe I'll even try to have sex myself, although the goal there wouldn't even be a first baby, so I'm not sure how good a of a segue that is.

I was thinking the other day that my sexual memories are better than most men's fantasies. When your life has been filled with so much and so many of the things you love, you really can't complain. My life HAS been filled with Sex and Games and Comedy. Fitting that I'm going to stop writing now and play a game. I'll leave you with a joke from work.

What's the difference between jelly and jam?

I can't jelly my cock down your throat...