SuperCuts is fast and cheap. However, they tend to have an overreliance on the device referred to as 'clippers' -- essentially a hair shaving device with the ability to have various sizes of attachable plastic offsets used to cut hair to a given length.

One time, I went into a SuperCuts and asked for a "conservative haircut". I have naturally curly hair, and so the number of ways it can be cut, particularly when it was short (as it was then) is finite. To my horror, I left looking like I had just joined the army, having been shorn by the first SuperCuts employee I had encountered that couldn't tell this difference between the hairstyle worn by a military man and the one worn by a businessman. To add insult to injury, this was at the turn of the seasons from the last breath of fall until winter.

Since then, I grew my hair out again in back. This tends to elicit the question, "Do you want to cut this off?" from the employees. If you're male and have long hair, I suggest you find a good barber before going to SuperCuts.