Goodies! Goody goody yum yum. The Goodies was a funny series that ran in Britain throughout the 70s.
They were Bill Oddie, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden.
Bill played a revolutionary communist type character, Tim was a patriotic royalist and Graeme was a mad scientist. They were all very silly.
Amongst the more famous episodes was one based on the Northern English martial art of Ecky Thump, performed with the aid of a black pudding.
Other shows featured giant kittens, puppet rebellions and geese divebombing golden eggs.
Although the show was full of slapstick it was also very topical, satirising the fashions of the day and occasionally touched on political issues.
In all there were about a 100 episodes produced.
They also released many records including the Funky Gibbon, Nappy Love and Father Christmas Do Not Touch Me.
The show tends to be underrated today (and under repeated).
They also released a couple of books in the 70s which were pretty humorous and ahead of their time - The Goodies File and The Goodies Book Of Criminal Records.