About a week ago or so, the announcement was made that British troops were to be withdrawn from Basra. The question of whether this a good thing or not (to leave Iraq in its current state or to continue at the expense to our country in terms of lives and money is a whole other debate which I won't get into) is something that needs to be put aside.

Some of you may well be aware of the plight of Iraq interpreters. The fact that, because they have worked with the British Army or its contractors, they and their families have become targets for insurgents. Many have fled the country, gone into hiding or have been murdered.

The Governments response to this is tell these people to register with the UN refugee agency. The agency is already flooded with refugees and it seems likely that many workers and interpreters won't be able to leave Iraq safely.

It is entirely possible for the British Government to gave asylum to these people. A large number of troopers seem to support this option.

This is my opinion- right now it is still fiercely debated by critics and proponents of the Iraq War as to whether the war is a disgrace to the Britain. But if we let these brave people, who may not have carried a gun but most certainly carried a dream, die out in Iraq, there will be no debate or doubt.

This is why I'm asking British noders to hassle your MP's and get people informed, because the situation is getting bad, very, very quickly.

Links: The latest news on the situation: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article2448785.ece-
Older news but relevant for background info:
Suggestions for what you can do:
Current petition: