French Canadians have worked very hard at their language.

In the fifties, there was a moment when many felt it was on the verge of disappearing. This was the greatest encouragement to the separatist movement that has been propelled into the government of Quebec, and called the National Assembly, as well as the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.

There is a 'joke' about 'Jouale'--I think that's the spelling--the language spoken by the pur laine ("pure wool", or real Quebecois):thatitisonebiglongword, for anglophones--native English speakers--it is hard to understand.

I personally find that the French spoken by Haitians to be much more clear, even more so than, so-called, Parisian French.

There is almost a class structure associated with the speaking of the language, with Parisian French at the top--not that it is restricted to French.

In England for a long time, the accent, or dialect that you spoke determined what you were, what you could do, where you could go. This is the basis for George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, and the musical based upon it My Fair Lady.