The house is quiet for the first time all weekend. The cats are just now coming out of their hiding places, and checking every corner of the house for misplaced noders. They have not found any thus far. I wouldn't be surprised if they came rooted out a chaotic_poet or two lurking under the couch. The house is clean and swelling with booze. It was good weekend. Thanks for coming, guys.

I'm sitting out on the porch right now, tapping this into a laptop, and chain smoking. I managed to finish working a few hours ago, so that's one less thing in the way. I get to go in there tomorrow morning and tell them "I can run data updates in a drunken stupor with a house full of guests, so what the fuck is your problem?" And then I will have binders thrown at me until I'm laying unconscious under my desk. This is the way we roll at work, and I love them for it.

So much to do in the coming days before I get in the car and drive upstate for a weekend of drinking and pinochle. Things at work to sew up, things at home to fix and organize, half-constructed internet projects to get my hands around. I'm going to be sleep-deprived and stressed, but if I manage to get through a vacation without getting a nasty call from work then I'm going to call it a win.

But, for right now, off to sleep in a house too quiet. I hope you all are home and safe.