An Ethiopian coffee variety, oft referred to as "Geisha"

"Key tasting notes: Black tea, pear, apple, floral, white sugar…I've been wanting to try Panama Geisha for a while and now I understand why Panama Geisha has a name for itself. Incredible sweetness and balance with all the delicate floral notes too. What a splurge! Can't afford to drink this everyday but will definitely buy more after this can.” "
—Amanda from BeanBean Coffee

Originating in the Gori Gesha forest area of Ethiopia, this variety of Coffea Arabica has become well known for its unique and superior flavour amost speciality coffee afficianados. With a good deal of sweetness and predominance of floral notes, it is in much demand, a demand which usually oustrips supply, leadin to it often being difficult to find, and expensive.

Whilt it originated in Ethiopia, it is now predominantly grown ine entral and South America, Africa and Asia. Its rarity leads to high prices, one lot reaching a terrifying US$601 a pound (US$1,320 a kilogram), putting it well outside the range of all but th wealhiest clientele. i have seen it available roasted for $62/100 grams (that's $3.65 a cup as I make it) and currently I cannot find at available for roasting at any price.

i have had a cup of it in a cafe in Berkeley, thoroughly enjoyable but would I drink it regularly? Nope, not at that price. Yirgacheffe, whilst less expensive, is at least available and drinkable daily (I know, it's my current "treat coffee" at home).

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