Canadian French keyboard layout:

|~    |1   !|2   "|3   /|4   $|5   %|6   ?|7   &|8   *|9   (|0   )|-   _|=   +|Backspace| 
|\  # |±   1|@   7|£   3|¢   4|¤   5|¬   6||   7|²   8|³   9|¼   0|½   -|¾   =|         | 
|  Tab  |q   Q|w   W|e   E|r   R|t   T|y   Y|u   U|i   I|o   O|p   P|[   ^|]   ¨|Enter  |
|       |    q|    w|    e|    r|    t|    y|    u|    i|§   o|¶   p|[   ^|]   ¸|       |
+-------+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+-+---+--+    |
|   Caps  |a   A|s   S|d   D|f   F|g   G|h   H|j   J|k   K|l   L|;   :|'   `|\    >|    |
|   Lock  |    a|    s|    d|    f|    g|    h|    j|    k|    l|~   ;|{   `|}    <|    |
|Shift|102 »|z   Z|x   X|c   C|v   V|b   B|n   N|m   M|,   '|.   .|?   É|     Shift     |
|     |°   «|    z|    x|    c|    v|    b|    n|µ   m|¯   ,|­    .|´   é|               |
|  Control |   Alt    |                  Space                    |   AltGr  | Control  |
|          |          |                                           |          |          |

For all characters shown, characters in the upper-left corner represent the equivalent American key.

Characters in the lower-right are the lowercase characters. Characters in the upper-right are uppercase characters.

Characters in the lower-left corner are ones that would be displayed when AltGr (usually Ctrl+Alt for Windows-based overlays on American keyboards) is depressed.

Underlined characters represent special accent characters. These, when pressed, will not display a character; rather, that character will be displayed over the next key pressed, if the second key is a compatible character. For example, if ^ is pressed, followed by an o, a ô will appear. The four available dynamic accents are accent grave, accent aigu, circumflex, and umlaut. Note that the , character is not underlined; the AltGr character for that key is a Macron, or a line at the top of the character space.

The 102 refers to the 102nd key, often a | \ key on American keyboards.

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