Actually, X-Chat is not for GNOME only. The later versions (1.2 and up, and most likely earlier ones as well) only require the Gimp Toolkit (GTK+) to run. It works with any window manager, including WindowMaker and Sawmill, and it works with vanilla XFree86, it does not require GNOME (although it does have support for GNOME-specific features.) Likewise, X-Chat is not made solely for Linux, it will compile on any POSIX Unix system. I, personally, ran X-chat on FreeBSD 3.3-RELEASE with WindowMaker and it worked fine.

X-chat, on the whole, tries to emulate the feel of mIRC, for Win32. It separates channels into their own windows, and it has a tab panel to manage server consoles and channels, as well as DCC chats and query sessions. It supports numerous scripting methods, including Perl and Python. It also supports most of the convenience features offered by clients such as mIRC, Ircle or BitchX, including aliases, popups, and server lists. All in all, a very nice GUI client.

At the time of this writeup, the current version of X-Chat is 1.6.0 1.8.0. The website for X-chat is