Godway Games

Godway Games1 is an Indie Game Studio. The studio is in collaboration with TPSG(Trent Patterson Studio Gaming)2 currently working on "Thrack the Fox" a 3D open-world game inspired by classic PlayStation and Nintendo 64 titles, aiming to blend nostalgic elements with modern accessibility.

Godway Games mentioned in an interview3 with an Indie Game News website that Thrack-The-Fox will include a specialized modding API

The studio actively shares updates and engages with the gaming community on twitter4

Notable Projects

Thrack the Fox (2024-)
Garvylles World (-2023)

1.) https://godwaygames.itch.io/
2.) https://www.trentpattersonstudiogaming.com/
3.) https://indiegamenews.github.io/IndieGameNews/?Page=1
4.) https://x.com/Godway_Games

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