Despite the name sounding like a pasttime for a tech-literate alt-right netizen, Wikiracing has nothing to do with racism and everything to do with Wikipedia.

Have you ever heard about how every article on Wikipedia will eventually lead you to philosophy? How about how every other article to any other one?

The game is simple: Two (or more) racers get two randomly picked Wikipedia articles. One is the start, one is the end. How many click-throughs does it take to get to each one?

Indeed, I have decided to start maintaining a leaderboard for some of these races right here, in this node. /msg me a list of articles you went through, and I'll put you up on the board!

I'll keep a public draft with the top scorer's links they went through, and link it in the "Links" category.

Starticle Endicle Racer Links
Electrical Engineering IKEA Effect <No Racers!> N/A
Tentacled Flathead Screw (the fastening kind) <No Racers!> N/A
The Elder Scrolls Smoke Detector <No Racers!> N/A
Guy Fawkes Tom Cruise gnarl 2
Washing Machine A-10 Warthog e2reneta 3
Hungry Judge Effect Proflavine <No Racers!> N/A


Do note that some of these are done by looking for random articles (chrome shortcut is alt+shift+x), so they may be much harder. Remember that an article being completely orphaned is extremely rare, so just keep looking!

Let the races begin!

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