Remember learning in school that matter can neither be created nor destroyed? While the jury may be out on whether that is universally true, it is certainly true of plastic. Plastic is notoriously durable, lasting for millions of years. As plastics degrade, they break down into smaller and smaller pieces.

Microplastics refer to plastics which are 5mm or smaller, either "whittled down" to this size by degradation or beginning at this size. 5 mm is also the limit of the term in the colloquial sense, as "microplastics" commonly refer to plastics which are too small to be seen by the naked eye. These microscopic microplastics are the most widely referenced, because they are accumulating in our bodies at an alarming rate. It is not clear yet what their long-term effects are, but research has shown that microplastics, acting as a "host," can introduce harmful toxins such as bisphenol A into our bodies. And, gut reaction, accumulating plastics in our bodies can't exactly be good for us.

It is impossible to prevent exposure to microplastics. Due to their minuscule size, they are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Unfortunately, too, there is no known way to remove microplastics from our bodies once ingested. However, there are some things you can do to mitigate exposure to microplastics:

-avoid using single-use plastics, such as disposable bottles, containers, etc.
-DO NOT prepare any foods in plastic dishes in the microwave, better yet don't use plastic when cooking at all
-limit eating meat/fish, as there is evidence that microplastics are subject to biological magnification
-don't drink beer (or do, at least the drunkenness will offset the guilt)
-opt for loose leaf tea over tea bags
-wear clothing made out of natural fibers
-limit salt intake



Ziani, K., et al., (2023, January 25). Microplastics: A real global threat for environment and food safety: A state of the art review. Nutrients.

Microplastics: Are we facing a new health crisis – and what can be done about it? World Economic Forum. (n.d.).

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