Everything Poll Archive
Mac 'n Dilemna!
by nuggets
It's time to make some Kraft Mac 'n Cheese! However, a demon God appears and restricts your abilities to the following:
Your Mac n cheese will taste as though it's made of pure altoids. 1 3.45% Your mac n cheese will be as spicy as a ghost pepper in every bite. 2 6.90% You must use twice the amount of butter needed (richer taste), but less milk (thicker mac). 7 24.14% You must use twice the amount of milk (More creamy), but you must use half the butter (cheese soup as well). 0 0.00% You must use SPAGHETTI instead of MACARONI. 4 13.79% You will burn yourself on the pot at some point in the next week. 3 10.34% You will burn yourself less bad immediately. Then the water jumps out at you. 0 0.00% You have to chill and drink all the water you have strained out. 1 3.45% You have to boil it over a firepit/grill/in a microwave, in the order of whatever you own. 0 0.00% You have to add 5 ramen seasoning packets instead of cheese. 1 3.45% You have to eat five times the amount of what you intended to cook. 2 6.90% You will drop every tool, container, and utensil and it's your fault if you don't catch it. 3 10.34% None of the above 5 17.24% Total 29 100.00% Coffee writeups
by wertperch
Do you want to see wertperch write more about coffee?
Heck, yes! 23 76.67% Yes 4 13.33% No 1 3.33% None of the above 2 6.67% Total 30 100.00% How do you make coffee at home?
by wertperch
What is your primary way of making your coffee?
Automatic drip machine 21 24.71% Espresso machine 7 8.24% Manual pour-over 6 7.06% Aeropress 2 2.35% Vacuum pot 1 1.18% Percolator 2 2.35% Moka pot 3 3.53% Vietnamese phin 0 0.00% Cowboy coffee 0 0.00% Instant, in a mug 7 8.24% Something else (let wertperch know!) 10 11.76% I don't drink it at home 8 9.41% Tea! 15 17.65% None of the above 3 3.53% Total 85 100.00% Drafts!
by Intentions
Do you use the Drafts function?
Yes 28 65.12% No 4 9.30% Sometimes 8 18.60% What are Drafts? 1 2.33% None of the above 2 4.65% Total 43 100.00% Everything2 Quest Poll
by wertperch
How do you feel about quests on E2?
I'll try to write something extra for them. (1) 4 18.18% I'll try and massage what I was already writing so it qualifies. (2) 0 0.00% If something I'm writing fits, so be it. (3) 0 0.00% I don't think about writing for them (4) 4 18.18% I think that quests are a valuable contribution to E2 (5) 0 0.00% I think that quests don't contribute much to E2. (6) 0 0.00% 1 & 5 10 45.45% 2 & 5 0 0.00% 3 & 5 0 0.00% 4 & 5 2 9.09% 1 & 6 0 0.00% 2 & 6 0.00% 3 & 6 0.00% 4 & 6 1 4.55% None of the above 1 4.55% Total 22 100.00% So when you log in to E2…
by wertperch
Do you read everything in New Writeups?
Yes, always. 6 15.79% No, just the ones that look interesting. 15 39.47% I go further and try to catch up on some older stuff too. 2 5.26% I look for my favourite noders and read their recent stuff. 2 5.26% 1 and 4. 0 0.00% 2 and 4. 3 7.89% 3 and 4. 2 5.26% I don't really come here to read any more. 0 0.00% I poke about, deal with messages and log off. 0 0.00% Varies depending on mood and time. 6 15.79% None of the above 2 5.26% Total 38 100.00% Reading averages
by andycyca
Many people like to establish some sort of reading goal (per semester, per year, etc.). Which of these better describes your ideal goal?
1 book per semester (6 months) or its yearly equivalent 2 5.71% 1 book per quarter (3 months) or its yearly equivalent 2 5.71% 1 book per bimester (2 months) or its yearly equivalent 1 2.86% 1 book per month or its yearly equivalent 3 8.57% 1 book per fortnight (2 weeks) or its yearly equivalent 6 17.14% 1 book per week or its yearly equivalent 10 28.57% None of the above 11 31.43% Total 35 100.00% Semi-permanent catbox
by andycyca
Right now in mid-2023, which of the two chatting systems do you prefer?
Good ol' Catbox 20 58.82% Discord 4 11.76% There's another option that andycyca is missing and I will surely /msg him about it 1 2.94% None of the above 9 26.47% Total 34 100.00% Book Reading
by passalidae
How many books do you read in a year?
Maybe one if I'm lucky 4 11.43% Just a couple. 2 5.71% A few 5 14.29% Over 10 books 6 17.14% Over 20 books 3 8.57% Over 30 books 3 8.57% I'm a beast and I read over 50 books 2 5.71% I have a massive fucking brain and I read over 100 books 3 8.57% Reading is for dweebs! I prefer other pastimes 0 0.00% It varies so much year by year that giving a concrete answer would be fundamentally dishonest 6 17.14% None of the above 1 2.86% Total 35 100.00% Are you hopeful for 2023?
by andycyca
Are you?
Yes 15 48.39% No 10 32.26% None of the above 6 19.35% Total 31 100.00%