Time Details
2018-03-14 04:12:54 Serjeant's Muse changed room topic to 'It appears we will have a PHOTO FINISH down at the racetrack! Just 1 point of net-reputation separates the TOP
2018-03-01 05:15:31 Serjeant's Muse changed room topic to 'The Prosenoder's Cup has begun! Visit the Festival page, read the 300 word offerings, and vote for the best. Don't be afraid to visit the E2 Gift Shop, just 1 C! per day might not be enoug
2018-02-18 14:46:38 Serjeant's Muse changed room topic to 'Gather your riding outfit and best hat to prepare for E2's March 1-15 Flash Fiction Festival. Please see Carrera de Caballos: An E2 Proseproduction for full sign-up details
2018-02-05 14:25:20 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'Sheep: BaaaaaaaFill your reQuests now! When the server time says [What can you do this month that you couldn't do last mon
2018-01-28 23:18:42 Clockmaker changed room topic to 'RIP Mort Walker, seminal cartoonist.'
2018-01-25 01:06:28 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'RIP Ursula K. Le Guin, beloved writer.'
2018-01-18 05:54:44 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'reQuest 2018 is going well! Please note: no more [I've put in a request for a hooker with a fr
2018-01-01 07:42:09 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'reQuest 2018 is now live! Sign up to this January quest to make requests and fill requests.'
2017-12-06 02:06:59 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'A new Quest has arrived: reQuest 2018. Starts in January, sign up now!'
2017-12-01 00:52:49 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'BONG! The clock ticks over, the challenge has finished!'
2017-11-27 04:34:02 Silverai_me changed room topic to 'Keep those write-ups flowing in for IN2017. Don't wait, it'll be Iron Noding efforts so far, let's finish the month strong!'
2017-11-01 13:12:46 DonJaime changed outside topic to 'Hallowe'en is over and the horror will soon be but a memory. But it's Iron Noder time again!'
2017-11-01 13:11:04 DonJaime changed outside topic to 'Hallowe'en is over and the horror will soon be but a memory. But it's Iron Noder time again!'
2017-10-29 08:36:42 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'It's Iron Noder time!'
2017-10-12 16:19:15 BookReader changed outside topic to 'RIP sarabandegreen'
2017-10-07 11:14:07 TheAnglican changed room topic to 'RIP Ralphie May. '
2017-09-26 03:52:43 Rancid_Pickle changed room topic to 'Authors! Start your engines and get ready to submit your scariest work to the 2017 Halloween HorrorQuest!'
2017-09-10 09:25:47 Rancid_Pickle changed room topic to 'You should be writing.'
2017-09-03 11:19:28 Rancid_Pickle changed room topic to 'Impromptu Contest! Every public node that isn't nuked between now and the end of day 9/9 gets an Easter egg!'
2017-08-01 15:51:57 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2017 has ended -- thank you to everyone who participated!'
2017-07-01 17:31:28 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2017 has started! '
2017-06-25 21:18:00 Tem42 changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3017: The Frontier that Wouldn't End... has ended. Brace yourself for BQ2017, coming soon! '
2017-06-18 12:00:30 Tem42 changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3017: The Frontier that Wouldn't End is still going, as long as we keep getting new entries. See the quest node for details. '
2017-06-18 03:41:51 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Drafts are currently acting weird. We hope to have them back to normal shortly, but you may want to use an off-line text editor for your immediate drafting needs. '
2017-06-08 00:12:16 Tem42 changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3017: The Frontier that Wouldn't End has been extended! See the quest node for details. '
2017-06-01 17:36:27 Tem42 changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3017: The Frontier that Wouldn't End is extended!... And Tem42 has a severe stomach bug. New deadline pending coherent thought. '
2017-05-27 17:07:46 gnarl changed room topic to 'The warmest of congratulations to Wntrmute for snagging his soulmate in Rotterdam today.'
2017-05-06 03:01:43 Dustyblue changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3017: The Frontier that Wouldn't End is here -- start typing now!'
2017-04-27 01:54:14 Tem42 changed room topic to 'SciFiQuest 3017: The Frontier that Wouldn't End is coming Monday -- start typing now! '
2017-04-23 21:55:18 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: live updates on the first round of France's presidential race.'
2017-04-23 21:54:47 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: live updates on the first round of France's presidential race.'
2017-04-23 21:52:48 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: life updates on the first round of France's presidential race.'
2017-04-23 21:52:32 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: life updates on the first round of France's presidential race.'
2017-04-23 21:51:48 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: life updates on the first round of France's presidential race.'
2017-04-23 21:51:01 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: life updates on the first found in France's presidential race.'
2017-04-23 21:44:26 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: live uupdates on the first round of France's election for presidentpdates on the first round of F
2017-04-23 21:44:10 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Political junkies: live uupdates on the first round of France's election for presidentpdates on the first round of F
2017-04-23 21:31:11 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'For all my fellow political junkies: live updates on the French political election'
2017-04-18 15:15:22 avalyn changed outside topic to 'Happy Tuesday. Huzzah!'
2017-04-16 12:13:52 TheAnglican changed room topic to 'He is risen. Alleluia.'
2017-04-09 20:40:24 jaybonci changed outside topic to 'We're under pretty heavy load right now due to bots reindexing us. -Jay'
2017-03-29 18:43:22 Zephronias changed room topic to 'This is how the mantis shrimp do.'
2017-02-21 16:01:51 avalyn changed outside topic to 'Inspiration for Love on the Volcano: An E2 Romance Quest'
2017-02-21 14:53:26 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Inspiration for Love on the Volcano: An E2 Romance Quest -- Iceland pictures http://www.michelrajkovic.fr/en/Portfolio/Iceland/'
2017-02-08 15:07:24 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Love on the Volcano: An E2 Romance Quest -- the quest is on! Enjoy!'
2017-01-31 15:07:50 Zephronias changed room topic to ''Oh look, someone ripped off a ton of nodes. DMCA request form for Blogger and other Google services is [https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/legal-removal-request?hl=en&complaint_ty
2017-01-31 01:04:49 Auspice changed room topic to 'Oh look, someone ripped off a ton of nodes. DMCA request form for Blogger and other Google services is [https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/legal-removal-request-ac?hl=en&pid=4&complai
2017-01-25 12:51:32 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Sign up for the Quest! Love on the Volcano: An E2 Romance Quest'
