Time Details
2016-01-31 14:16:08 DTal changed room topic to 'Happy New Year, you monkeys'
2016-01-26 19:21:35 TheAnglican changed room topic to 'RIP Abe Vigoda - February 24, 1921 - January 26, 2016. So long, Fish.'
2016-01-19 20:11:53 StuartO))) changed room topic to 'HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY Dolly Parton!!'
2016-01-14 13:49:32 TheAnglican changed room topic to 'First Ziggy Stardust, and now Severus Snape, both dead at 69. RIP to both...'
2016-01-11 13:23:40 go ahead I'll listen changed room topic to 'The Man Who Fell to Earth is back among the stars. Farewell.'
2016-01-01 16:56:48 NanceMuse changed room topic to 'Happy new year! And 'custo's new ebook is out! '
2015-12-24 18:54:07 andycyca changed room topic to 'custo's new ebook is out! | Have yourself a merry little Christmas!'
2015-12-14 05:58:40 The Custodian changed room topic to 'The results are in! | And custo's new ebook is out!'
2015-12-01 08:57:41 andycyca changed room topic to 'The results are in!'
2015-10-28 21:39:34 mauler changed outside topic to 'IT IS NIGH'
2015-10-27 14:47:01 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Community food: http://www.splendidtable.org/story/how-to-feed-10000-people-from-food-grown-on-3-acres-in-the-city'
2015-10-21 13:09:24 borgo changed room topic to 'Happy 21st Birthday to my favorite noder! Has it really been that long?'
2015-10-08 00:05:08 Tem42 changed room topic to 'Please to use Horrorquest, thank you!'
2015-10-01 20:15:04 mauler changed outside topic to 'Last chance to submit polls to PollQuest 2015!!!'
2015-09-17 22:56:16 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'We regret to inform everyone that long-time noder Demeter passed away suddenly on September 17.'
2015-09-14 18:10:18 RedOmega changed room topic to 'Are your political views grounded in reality?'
2015-08-01 20:11:46 Clockmaker changed room topic to 'The annual quest for brevity is over! Please help karma debt, one of our long-term awesome noders, get back on her feet.'
2015-07-14 16:35:05 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2015 continues! Give us your microfiction, reviews, factuals, poems and any other nonsense under 300 words! And please help karma debt, one of our long-term awesome noders, get [http://www.youcaring.com/je
2015-07-14 16:32:16 Jet-Poop changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2015 continues! Give us your microfiction, reviews, factuals, poems and any other nonsense under 300 words!Please help karma debt, one of our long-term awesome noders, get [http://www.youcaring.com/jennife
2015-07-04 02:16:48 RedOmega changed room topic to 'Brevity Quest 2015 starts today! Give us your microfiction, reviews, factuals, poems and any other nonsense under 300 words!'
2015-06-26 18:16:37 avalyn changed outside topic to 'Eat, drink and BE MARRIED! For the USA is inching closer towards a rational society!'
2015-06-24 17:17:09 Dustyblue changed room topic to 'GET OUT OF THE CAR'
2015-06-23 16:51:42 The Custodian changed room topic to 'RIP James Horner'
2015-06-11 13:25:32 Lucy-S changed room topic to 'RIP Sir Christopher Lee'
2015-06-11 13:24:41 Lucy-S changed room topic to '[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11666316/christopher-lee-dies-live.html|RIP Sir '
2015-06-11 13:24:29 Lucy-S changed room topic to '[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/11666316/christopher-lee-dies-live.html|RIP Sir '
2015-05-24 23:00:18 VicimusGegan changed room topic to 'RIP John and Alicia Nash'
2015-05-24 16:41:37 legbagede changed room topic to 'On this date, in 1844, on HRM's birthday, Samuel Morse lit up the wires with his first coded message.'
2015-05-18 11:54:25 avalyn changed outside topic to 'Ian Curtis died on this day 35 years ago today. When routine bites hard...'
2015-05-15 14:13:20 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Memorial: prayers for the lost'
2015-05-10 17:06:58 StuartO))) changed room topic to 'HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, YOU MOTHERS!'
2015-05-10 11:12:17 avalyn changed outside topic to 'No complaints.'
2015-05-10 00:14:23 moeyz changed room topic to 'How satisfied on a scale from zero to ten are you with current E2 quality & WHERE ARE THE GODS????'
2015-05-03 11:44:03 gnarl changed room topic to 'Diotina writes about experiencing the Nepal quake and how you can help'
2015-04-25 08:10:02 lediablerouge changed room topic to 'When I hear that wind and I think of Spring, Underneath an open window a carved out sign and often I would fight with my mind'
2015-04-25 08:09:10 lediablerouge changed room topic to '[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1kp_bgHq4Q|When I hear that wind and I think of Spring, Underneath an open window a carved out sign and often I would fight with my mind'
2015-04-13 03:35:31 lediablerouge changed room topic to 'Flowing through my fingers, All through the soil, And up in those trees.'
2015-03-22 02:41:50 lediablerouge changed room topic to 'If you're in New York City and have the 24th off and feel like watching a North Korean Godzilla movie that night, /msg lediablerouge about Pulgasari.'
2015-03-13 12:57:32 Intentions changed room topic to 'OOK!!! ook.Terry Pratchett has vanished into the the shelves of the University Library. ook.the London Nodermeet!'
2015-03-03 16:53:59 Clockmaker changed room topic to 'The London Nodermeet, now updated with instructions and specifics! Read 'em or weep (or, message Clockmaker and all will be sorted out)'
2015-02-15 01:13:21 Zephronias changed room topic to 'New usergroup: e2feminists. /msg maddie if you'd like to be added. '
2015-02-14 17:47:58 mad girl's love song changed room topic to 'New usergroup: e2feminists. /msg maddie if you'd like to be added. '
2015-02-13 13:15:55 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'loss and alzheimer's'
2015-02-05 14:25:37 avalyn changed outside topic to 'I've never been so good at trying / please don't leave me behind'
2015-02-04 19:14:14 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Heroin on the rise in the NW: http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2025080167_herointrendsxml.html'
2015-01-30 18:31:35 Zephronias changed room topic to 'This is nifty.'
2015-01-24 14:40:10 Clockmaker changed room topic to 'Well, cut me in half and call me a munchkin.'
2015-01-15 23:42:25 lizardinlaw changed room topic to 'Football's future should be robots not people.'
