In the year 1102...
These people were born in 1102:
These people died in 1102:
- Ladislaus Herman, Duke of Poland. He is succeeded by his son, Boleslaus III.
- Leopold II, Margrave of Austria
- French prince Hugh the Great, son of Henry II and brother of Philip I, at Tarsus while on the First Crusade.
- Antipope Theodoric, bishop of Albano, in captivity at the monastery of La Cava in Salerno. Antipope Aleric is elected to succeed him.
- Ebul Kasim, Seljuk Bey, under Sultan Alp Arslan, of the Saltuk Principality in eastern Anatolia.
- Saint Theodmarus of Bavaria.
1101 - 1102 - 1103
12th century