Near Matches
Ignore Exact
A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English
Baby name books are crap
Why do Americans say "erbs" instead of "herbs"?
Yossarian's School of Badassary
Israeli slang
The OED's only (stupid) marketing gimmick
London Slang Project
Y0u'v3 b33n Hax0r3d!
American Underworld Dictionary
1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue
The Microsoft-English Dictionary
BASIC code in comic books
The Subjunctive Mood of English
Urban Exploration
teenage girls
Mace Windu
Villon's Straight Tip to All Cross Coves
English words of Celtic origin
Venus de Milo
English slang terms for monetary units
One day, I'm going to get rid of it all
Sloop John B
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