The Thorough Good Cook
Soups: 15. Aurora-Soup
soup can only be made in
perfection when the
carrots are
young and juicy. Take carrots, the reddest that can be found, scrape them and wash them; then remove the
outside, as far as it is red, and put it into a
pan with a quarter of a pound of
butter and half a pound of the
lean of good-flavored
ham cut in pieces; set the stew-pan over a very slow
fire to soak. When the carrots are
tender, add two quarts of light
consomme, and let the whole boil for an hour; then rub it through a tammy, boil the soup again, and if it is too
thick, add more consomme; skim it carefully, for this soup should be a clear light red colour; fry some squares of bread in
clarified butter, and put them into the soup just before it is served; season with a little
cayenne pepper, salt, and sugar.