Cookbook published in 1896 and written by George Agustus Sala. This
book was recently
released into the
public domain by the publishing company Hollander and Hechsher. So, it will now be included as a part of everything. All recipes will appear as they did in the book when it was published
1. Beef Broth (Pot-au-Feu)
2. Consomme (White Stock)
3. Beef Tea
4. Mutton Tea
5. Veal Tea or Broth
6. Chicken Broth
7. Chicken Broth for the Consumptive
8. Julienne Soup
9. French Brown Soup (Brunoise)
10. Autumn Soup
11. Spring Soup (Potage Printanier)
12. Sorrel Soup
13. Green Pea Soup (St. Germain)
14. Soup of Brussels sprouts
15. Aurora-Soup
16. Young Carrot Soup
17. Potato or Parmentier Soup
18. Old-Fashioned pea Soup
19. Pease Pudding
20. French Split Pea Soup
21. Green Asparagus Soup
22. Soup of Asparagus Tips (Potage aux Pointes d'Asperges)
23. Onion Soup
24. Onion Soup Maigre
25. Benedictine Soup Maigre
26. Pumpkin Soup Maigre
27. Another Soup Maigre
28. Yet Another Soup Maigre
29. Leek Soup, or Cock-a-Leekie
30. Cabbage Soup
31. Scotch Kale Soup
32. Cucumber and Pea Soup
33. Braised Lettuce Soup
34. Another Braised Lettuce Soup
35. Cauliflower Soup (Potage a la Puree de Chouxfleurs)
36. Cauliflower, Green Broccoli, and Parsley Soup
37. Bean Soup with Ham or Bacon
38. Turnip Soup
39. Tomato Soup
40. Haricot Bean Soup a la Conde
41. Lentil Soup
42. More Vegetable Soups
1. Forcemeat for Stews of Fish, etc
2. Fish Forcemeat, or Quenelles
3. To Fry Parsley, Herbs, Bread-crumbs, etc
4. To Collar Salmon
5. To Roll Salmon
6. Salmon Cutlets
7. Cutlets of Salmon a la Maitre d'hotel
8. To Pot Salmon
9. Caveach Salmon
10. Salmon a la Genevoise
11. Slice of Crimped Salmon Broiled, with Caper Sauce
12. Crimped Salmon an Naturel
13. Salmon au Bleu
14. Salmon Fritters
15. Baked Salmon
16. Roast Salmon
17. Salmon, Matelote Sauce
18. Salmon with Sweet Herbs
19. Salmon a la Tartare
20. Salmon a la Braise
21. Salmon Souchet
22. Salmon Pudding
23. Fillets of Turbot a la Creme
24. Gratin of Fillets of Turbot
25. To Dress a Turbot with Capers
26. Vol-au-vent d'Escalopes de Turbot au Bon Beurre
27. Petites Timballes of Fillets of Turbot a la Venetienne
28. John Dory Boiled with Lobster Sauce
29. Fillets of Soles a l'Orlie
30. Fillets of Soles au Gratin
31. Fillets of Soles Fried
32. Fillets of Soles a la Maitre d'hotel
33. Mayonnaise of Fillets of Soles
34. Sole a la Colbert
35. Sole a la Meuniere
36. Soles a la Francaise
37. Fried Soles, Tartar Sauce
38. To Stew Soles
39. Sole Pudding
40. To Boil a Cod's Head
41. Cod's Head and Shoulders
42. To Bake Cod, or Haddock
43. To Stew Cod
44. Cod with Oyster Sauce
45. Cod with White Sauce (Cabillaud a la Bechamel)
46. Salt Cod a la Maitre d'hotel
47. Salt Cod a la Provencale
1. Forcemeat Balls
2. Sausage-Meat (Plain)
3. Batter for Frying
4. Fricassee of Fowl
5. Fowl, Country Captain
6. Braised Fowl
7. Chickens with Macedoine of Spring Roots
8. Epigram of Chicken Cutlets (Epigram de Poulet)
9. Chicken in Savoury Jelly
10. Chicken Patties with Puree a la Seine
11. Compote of Quails
12. Scollops of Rabbits
13. "Kickshaws" of Rabbit, Italian Sauce
14. Rabbit Pudding
15. Rabbit Galantine
16. Turban of Fillets of Rabbits
17. Young Rabbits in Curl Papers
18. Galantine of Turkey
19. Gratin of Pigeon a la Paerigord
20. Potted Hare
21. Venison Pie a l'Americaine
22. Sweetbread Pie
23. Scollops of Sweetbreads with Green Peas
24. Scollops of Sweetbreads in Cases
25. Sweetbreads "Dauphin" Fashion
26. Red Ox Tongue (a l'Ecarlate)
27. Tongues with Stewed Endive
28. Minced Beef
29. Minced Beef with Cucumbers
30. Chartreuse with Beef Palates
31. Minced Mutton
32. Bacon Fraise
33. Beans and Bacon
34. Peas and Bacon
35. York Ham with Spinach (Jambon d'Yorck aux Epinards)
36. Veal and Ham Patties
37. Veal and Ham Pie
38. Raised Ham Pie
39. Hottentot Pie
40. Lamb and Pork Chops
41. Veal Cutlets
1. Pigeons a la Crapaudine
2. To Roast Pigeons
3. Pigeons on the Skewer
4. Pigeon Pie
5. Pigeon Pudding
6. Cutlets of Fillets of Fowl, with Crumbs of Bread a la Marechale
7. Scollops of Fat Pullets a la Conti, with Truffles
8. Fowl a la Cardinal
9. Hachis, or Minced Fowl a la Polonaise
10. Fowl a la Villeroi
11. Fowl a la Tartare
13. Fowl a la Turque
14. Fowl a la Mongols
15. Fowl with Olives
16. Fowl with Tarragon
17. Ragout of Fowl
18. Forcemeat Balls of Fowl
19. Chicken a la Marengo
20. Chicken a la Gireflot
21. Capons a la Turque
22. Capon a la Nantaise
23. To Boil a Capon Larded With Lemons
24. Chicken Puddings a l'Ude
25. Chicken Puddings a la Richelieu
26. Soufflé of Chickens a la Creme
27. Finaciere pour Vol-au-vent
28. Fricassee of Chicken in Ten Minutes
29. Brown Fricasseed Chicken or Rabbit
30. White Fricasseed Chicken or Rabbit
31. Chicken Pudding
32. Chicken Pie
33. Chicken Pot-Pie
34. Capilotade of Duck
35. Duck With Olives
36. Duck with Turnips
37. Canvas-Back Ducks, Roasted
38. Wild Duck a la Chasseur
39. Hot Raised Pies of Larks
40. Caisses of Larks
41. Larks in Cronstade
42. Larks au Gratin
43. To Roast Larks and Wheatears
44. Stewed Quails
1. Curried Sole
2. Lobster Curry
3. Oyster Curry
4. Dressed Salmon, Curried
5. Curried Fish or Meat
6. Dry Curry Hash
7. How to Prepare Rice for Curry
1. A la Diable
2. A la Madeleine
3. A la Parisienne
4. A l'Aurore
5. Au Reverend
6. Anchovy Butter
7. Béarnaise
8. Béchamel
9. Black Butter
10. Blanche
11. Blanche a l'Estragon
13. Bread
14. Bretonne
15. Brown
16. Brown Chaudfroid
17. Brown Gravy
18. Brown Italian
19. Cardinal
20. Carrier
21. Champagne
22. Dutch
23. Fish Gravy (Coulis de Poisson)
24. Garlic
25. Geneva
26. German Sauce (Sauce Allemande)
27. Gypsy
28. Grande
29. Hachee
30. Ham
31. Hatelets
32. Hollandaise
33. Hot Horseradish
34. Italian
35. Lemon
36. Lobster
37. Lyonnaise
38. Matelote
39. Mayonnaise
40. Mirepoix
41. Monglas
42. Montpelier Butter
43. Onion
44 Orange
45. Orleans
46. Oyster
47. Poor Man's Sauce
48. Portuguese
49. Provencale
50. Ravigote Butter
51. Richelieu
52. Spanish
1. Half Glaze for Vegetables
2. Glazed Onions for Garnish
3. Cauliflowers
4. Cauliflowers and Butter
5. Cauliflower Loaf
6. Cauliflowers, Genoan Fashion
7. Cauliflowers, Genoan Fashion, Another Way
8. Cauliflowers a la Mayonnaise
9. Cauliflower au Gratin
10. Ragout of Cabbages
11. Cabbage Pudding
12. Calecannon
13. Spinach Pudding
14. Puree of Spinach
15. Brussels Sprouts and Cucumbers
16. Stewed Cucumbers
17. Cucumber Toast
18. Ragout of Cucumbers
19. Another Ragout of Cucumbers
20. "Steward's" Potatoes (a la Maitre d'Hôtel)
21. Potato Stuffing
22. Potato Pudding
23. Potato Cake
24. Potato Soufflé
25. Potato Rissoles
26. Potato Omelette
27. Potato Fritters
28. Potato Cheese-Cakes
29. To Ragout French Beans
30. French Beans in Black Butter
31. French Beans a la Francaise
32. "Steward's" French Beans (a la Maitre d'Hote1)
33. French Beans, Brittany Fashion (a la Bretonne)
34. Puree of French Beans
35. White Haricot Beans, Brittany Fashion (a la Bretonne)
36. Beans a la Poulette
37. Baked Beans
38. Parsnips with Beans
39. Parsnip Fritters
40. Carrot Pie
41. Marrow Pie
42. Pumpkin Pie
43. Puree of Pumpkin
44. Vegetables in a Mould
45. Vegetable Pie
46. Stewed Peas
47. Asparagus, Italian Fashion
1. Cheese, Toasted
2. Stewed Cheese
3. Welsh Cheese
4. Potted Cheese
5. Another Potted Cheese
6. Cheese a la Montmorency
7. Cheese as Iced Butter
8. Cheese Imps
9. Cheese Straws
10. Macaroni and Cheese Croquettes
11. Cheese Rammequins
12. Cheese and Eggs
13. Fondue of Cheese
hors d'vuvres and savoury dishes
1. Anchovies, Norwegian Fashion
2. Anchove Canapé
3. Tunny
4. Sardines a la Royale
5. Sardines a la Provincial
6. Crusts of Sardines
7. Herring Roes on Toast
8. Canapés a la Turbigo
9. Italian Sausage
10. Tranchea Piennoisea a la Tomato
11. Spanish Crusts (Croutons a Espagnole)
12. Bonne Bouches
13. Crusts of Caviar
14. Croquettes of Macaroni
16. Hazelnut Butter
17. Devilled Biscuits
18. Sandwiches
19. Small Game
1. Eggs and Broccoli
2. Curried Eggs, Fengal Fashion
3. Eggs with Burnt Butter
4. Bandalled Eggs
5. Eggs and Tripe
6. Eggs Bronillea
8. Eggs Hashed
9. Eggs Frothed
10. Eggs in Cases
11. Eggs with Black Butter
12. Gratin of Eggs with Cheese
13. Eggs, Piedmont Fashion (a la Piemontaise)
14. Eggs
16. Ragout of Eggs and Mushrooms
17. Eggs with Onions and Mushrooms
18. Plovers' Eggs in Aspic
19. "Surprise" Eggs
1. Partridge Salad
2. Grouse Salad
3. Chicken Salad
4. Salad of Salmon
5. Salad of Smelts
6. Salad of Herrings
1. Almond Cheese Cake
2. Almond Pate
3. Waffles, French
4. German Puddings
5. Green Pudding
6. Hanover Cake or Pudding
7. Hunting Pudding
8. Italian Pudding
9. Lady Sunderland's Pudding
10. Lemon Puffs
11. Lemon Pudding
12. Macaroon Custard Pudding
13. Macaroni Pudding
14. Merinaner
15. Mille Fenillea (Italian Pyramid)
16. Mince Pie
17. Northumberland Puddings
18. Orange Pudding
19. Orange Tart
20. Pancakes, Cream
21. Pancakes, New England
22. Pancakes, Rice
23. Pancake Pudding
24. Plum Pudding
25. Preserved Fruit Puffs
26. Pudding a la Parisienne
27. Pudding, a Very Delicious
28. Pumpkin Pie
29. Nutmeg Pudding
30. Queen's Puddings
31. Raspberry Tart
32. Rice and Apple
33. Rice Custard
34. Rice Flammery
35. Scotch Shortbread
36. Sweetmeat Tarts (Puite d'Amour)
37. Swiss Pudding
38. Tapioca Pudding
39. Transparent Pudding
40. Transparent Tarts
41. Welch Pudding
42. White Cake
43. Yam Pudding
44 Yogurt
Notes from the noder:
Wow, you got all the way to the bottom of this write-up, well I will be adding links to each recipe as they are noded.
Why do I node this you ask?,
Good question! The history of a people is reflected in the food they eat. These recipes are a part of our history, and should be tried, shared and enjoyed. Be
warned however that these recipes are inexact and not for the amateur cook. They won't hold your hand and they expect you to know your way around a kitchen. They are also not for "healthy eaters" these dishes (for the most part) are rich in flavor and high in
fat and
calories (they didn't think much about that in 1896). I hope you enjoy these recipes. One note I enjoy about this cookbook is that the ancestors of many
modern dishes are represented, and by learning the
basic techniques contained within these nodes one can build a
foundation from which one's own culinary
inventions can be built.