A convenient deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk.

Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

The Roman god of wine and intoxication, equated with the Greek Dionysus. His festival was celebrated on March 16 and 17. The Bacchanalia, orgies in honor of Dionysus, were introduced in Rome around 200 BC. These infamous celebrations, notorious for their sexual and criminal character, got so out of hand that they were forbidden by the Roman Senate in 186 BC. Bacchus is also identified with the old-Italian god Liber.
Also a comic book by Eddie Campbell (published by Eddie Campbell Comics). At times very funny, other times tragic, it is the story of the adventures of Bacchus, one of the last of the greek gods (yes, Bacchus is a roman name, but we are clearly dealing with the greek god) to survive to the present day. Contains a lot of mythology and features Theseus, the Eyeball Kid (son of Argus), Hermes, the Telchines (three shady brothers who aspire to be the Gods of Business), the sicilian mafia, satyrs, lots of wine and hangovers.

Cameo appearances by Eddie's pals Dave Sim, Neil Gaiman and Alan Moore.

Bac"chus (?), n. [L., fr. Gr. ] Myth.

The god of wine, son of Jupiter and Semele.


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