Elsa: "It's perfectly obvious where the pages are. He's given them to Marcus Brody."
Henry Jones: "Marcus? You didn't drag poor Marcus along, did you? He's not up to the challenge."
Donovan: "He sticks out like a sore thumb. We'll find him."
Indiana Jones: "The hell you will. He's got a two day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody's got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, he'll blend in, disappear, you'll never see him again. With any luck, he's got the grail already."
Cut to Marcus Brody in a bazaar somewhere in the middle east, looking lost.
Marcus: "Uhh... Does anyone here speak English... or ancient Greek?"
For me, this is by far the most memorable scene of Denholm Elliott's career - though I can hardly claim to have seen even a significant portion of his work. He appeared in over a hundred film and television roles. Like a lot of character actors, many of the roles he landed were small and in terrible-looking films (Toy Soldiers comes to mind). Hollywood just doesn't offer enough parts for mild-mannered but quirky supporting characters.
Other notable roles of Elliott's include the voice of Cowslip in the 1979 Watership Down, Will Scarlett in Robin and Marian, and in 1992's Noises Off, where he manages to quite effectively steal at least one scene from the great Michael Caine.
In spite of the characters he played, Elliott was hardly inept or cowardly. He served in World War II in the British Royal Air Force, but was shot down over Germany, spending the rest of the war in a POW camp. Having graduated from drama school previously, Elliott passed the time performing Shakespeare. After the war, he threw himself into acting on stage in London and later on Broadway, and before long had a film contract.
The high point of his career was very likely in 1986, when he played Mr. Emerson in the Merchant Ivory adaptation of E.M. Forster's A Room With A View. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, but lost out to the aforementioned Michael Caine (with whom he also appeared in Alfie in 1966).
Elliott died of AIDS-related tuberculosis in 1992 at the age of 70. He was survived by his wife of 30 years, Susan, who would, two years after his death, publish a memoir entitled Denholm Elliott: Quest for Love, which detailed their open marriage and her husband's bisexual encounters.