The Gallup Poll is a measurement of
US public opinion about a variety of
topics, conducted by
The Gallup Organization. On their
web page, they classify themselves as as a
management consulting firm.
Here are the topics of the Gallup Poll for the year 2000. Those marked with a * were done by Gallup in conjunction with CNN and USA Today. Those marked with a # were done by by Gallup and CNN only, and the unmarked ones were done by Gallup only.
- Jan 7-10, 2000(*): 2000 presidential & congressional elections, job approval ratings for both, mood, enthusiasm, Elian Gonzalez, religion,
- Jan 13- 16, 2000(*) same as before, + abortion, affirmative action, U.S.budget, defense, education, foreign affairs, guns, homosexual rights, environment, health care, social security and taxes.
- Jan 17-19, 2000(*) Election issues.
- Jan 20-31, 2000(*) Separate polls of republican and democratic voters regarding the candidates and issues they support.
- Jan 25-26, 2000 Election, Clinton approval, trade, Elian Gonzalez, gender, middle east, Super Bowl
- Feb. 4-6, 2000(*) Elections and Ratings, Hillary, airlines, Peanuts, Love.
- Feb. 11-13, 2000(*) South Carolina Republican Primary
- Feb. 14-15, 2000(*) Presidential election, Elian, laser eye surgery, death penalty, Who wants to be a Millionaire?
- Feb. 16-17, 2000(*) South Carolina Republican Primary, again.
- Feb. 25-27, 2000(*) Elections, mood, candidates, foreign affairs, census, Who want's to marry a millionaire?
- Mar. 10-12, 2000(*) Elections, candidates, economy, oil, stocks, interest.
- Mar. 17-19, 2000 Jon Benet, Academy Awards, movies, Foreign policy, medical mistakes, DNA Testing, religion.
- Mar. 30 - Apr. 2, 2000 Elections, Elian, biotech, cell phones, abortion, fuel oil costs, sports, golf.
- Apr. 3 -9, 2000 State of the Nation, social movements, environmental movement, environmental problems, environmental action.
- Apr. 7 -9, 2000(*) Elections, Stock market, Microsoft, Elian, Education, Kosovo, airline smoking, dollar coins, Guns, Oklahoma City bombing, trade, budget, census, taxes.
- Apr. 22, 2000(#) Elian Gonzalez
- Apr. 28 - 30, 2000(*)Elections, Elian, Guns, Healthcare, Microsoft, sports.
- May 5 - 7, 2000 Election, Clinton ratings, Microsoft, Cuba, parents, Confederates, PCs, stocks, baseball, China trade, guns, ILove You virus.
- May 18 - 21, 2000 Clinton and congress job approval, mood, economy, election, international affairs, foreign aid, national defense, foreign relations, foreign trade, China, name recognition.
- May 23 - 24, 2000(*) 2000 presidential election, worst community problem, Memorial Day, fuel oil costs, NRA, traffic, Clinton, national defense, religion.
- June 6 - 7, 2000(*) 2000 presidential election, congressional election, Clinton job approval, economy, social security, women as vice presidential candidates, Korean War, "new economy", interest rates, fuel oil costs, campaign finance laws, federal land protection.
- June 22 - 25, 2000 2000 presidential election, Clinton job approval, mood, most important problem in the US, economy, confidence in institutions, Microsoft, gasoline prices, Supreme Court decisions, inheritance taxes, death penalty, nuclear secrets.
- June 23 - 25, 2000(*) 2000 presidential election, political conventions, Gore fundraising, death penalty, Monday Night Football.
- July 14 - 16, 2000(*) 2000 presidential election, Clinton job approval, mood, candidate importance, Gore fundraising, Bush or McCain, presidential running-mates, political conventions, US Dollar coin, tobacco, missile defense, rude behavior, abortion.
- July 24, 2000(*) Detailed information about opinion on presidential running-mates and likelihood of voters to vote based on possible running-mate choices.
- July 25 - 26, 2000(*) Presidential and congressional elections, Clinton and Gore job approval ratings, candidate characteristics, election issues, the economy.
- August 4 - 5, 2000(*) Presidential and congressional elections, Clinton job approval ratings, candidate characteristics, political parties, Republican National Convention, the Clinton administration, election issues, George Bush vs. George W. Bush, politics and minorities, Clinton and Bush, affirmative action, Political ads.
- August 7, 2000(*) 2000 presidential election, Joe Lieberman
- August 11 - 12, 2000(*) 2000 presidential election, candidate characteristics, Clinton job approval ratings, Clinton's ties to Gore, the economny, Hillary, Joe Lieberman, the Clinton administration, the economy in 1992, social security, "Survivor".
- August 18 - 19, 2000(*)Presidential and congressional elections, job approval ratings, candidate characteristics, mood, economy, federal government, Democratic National Convention, presidential administrations, Monica Lewinsky, Clinton vs. Bush.
- August 24 - 27, 2000 2000 presidential election, candidate tax plans, US military, religion and politics, education, airlines, sports, social class identification, religion.
- August 29 - Sept. 5, 2000 2000 presidential election, Clinton job approval ratings, congress job approval, supreme court job approval, mood, death penalty, crime incidence, criminal justice system, police, crime concerns, city safety, causes of crime, illegal drugs, guns, victimization.
- September 11 - 13, 2000 Clinton job approval ratings, role of government, religion and schools, immigration, health care, summer olympics, taxes and federal budget, opportunity in America, hate crime laws, internet privacy.
- October 3, 2000(*)Reaction to the first presidential debate.
- October 6 - 9, 20002000 presidential election, Clinton and congress job approval, mood of the country, satisfaction with personal life, most important problem, the economy, personal finances, future outlook, happiness, which ppolitical party is the party of peace and prosperity, candidate age, political balance of power, Yugoslavia, campaign finance, fuel oil costs, RU-486, religion, Miss America, abortion.
- October 11, 2000(*) Reaction to the second presidential debate.
- October 17, 2000(*) Reaction to the third presidential debate.
To be continued.