An evil robot that attacks Mario with its head in the game Super Mario Land.

Now, if you're looking to maximize points in this game (its too easy a game not to) then take note. If you kill Mekabon when it's head is detached, you'll only get 100 points for the first part you destroy, and 200 more points if you manage to get the other part as well. But, Mekabon is worth 400 points if you kill it when its body and head are attached, so wait until it's got itself together.

Mekabon looks like this:
   ##O+  +O##
  #  #+  +#  #
  # ##+  +## #
  #  #+  +#  #
  ##OO+  +OO##
 #+#OO+  +OO#+#
#+O#OO+  +OO#O+#
#O##OO+  +OO##O#
## ########## ##
   #O#    #O#
 ##+O#    #O+##
 #O+O#    #O+O#

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