user since
Mon Feb 26 2001 at 02:27:58 (24.1 years ago )
last seen
Sun Mar 23 2025 at 01:30:48 (4.5 days ago )
number of write-ups
425 - View momomom's writeups (feed)
level / experience
25 (Vizier) / 33486
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
babies to boobies
"interesting bits about the ways and customs of babies in the bird-stage"
"Think babies and chrysanthemums and chrysalises"
most recent writeup
Send private message to momomom


Osain and Aneirin



What am I like? I love this place, the data base and the people…probably mostly the people. If you are new to E2, welcome and enjoy, show us your best side and we’ll show your ours.

Tiny tip for newbies: #1
To send a private message Put a /msg in front of a username followed by a space then your message.

Tiny tip for newbies: #2
Read a bit and get a feel for the place before you start posting.

Good short introductions to most things here on E2 ... An Introduction to the Everything2 Guide ... Home Nodes ... Nodelets ...Chatterbox ... Polls ...


Plant write ups:
Success / Hocus Pocus Crocus / Witch hazel / apricot / corncob / pokeweed / Crocus sativus (This list is "under construction")


Animal write ups:
American crow / Aphid / Bag Worm / Chrysalis / Click beetle / dither fish / Red Admiral / (This list is "under construction")


misc gardening/natural history write ups:
Success / masting / leather britches / Knee high by the 4th of July / The Second Wave of Spring / Knee high by the 4th of July / Putting the perenial garden to bed / mudmaid / butterfly garden / compost happens/ Deadhead / cutting garden / radish / parsley / (This list is "under construction")


Lactation write ups:
/ Breastfeeding and H1N1 / crematocrit / breastfeeding / Giving a bottle to a breastfed baby / natural age of weaning / cleft palate / The medicalization of childbirth and pregnancy / premature baby / Poland Syndrome / male genital mutilation / breast pain mastalgia / supply and demand regulation of breastmilk / premature baby / formula / online information about breastfeeding for parents / Guide to Breastfeeding / afterbirth pain / moist heat therapy / beta-carotene / Breastfeeding the Newborn / Leche / lactation consultant / Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in Infancy: Assessment and Management / UNICEF / WABA / IBFAN / public breastfeeding / Medications and Mothers' Milk / Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives / Apgar scale / Lactivist / attachment parenting / Breastfeeding Matters / La Leche League International / ear infection / nursing strike / Solomon / nipple piercing / milk / each one teach one / Sudden Infant Death Syndrome / fenugreek / lactogogue / Clinical Lactation: A Visual Guide / sub mucous cleft palate / The Breastfeeding Atlas / ankyloglossia / Tongue Tie From Confusion to Clarity A Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ankyloglossia / Current Issues in Clinical Lactation / peristalsis / BodyPerks / lactose intolerant / supplemental nursing system / at breast supplementer / How to Know a Health Professional is not Supportive of Breastfeeding / Lactnet / Breast Reduction / Clinical Therapy In Breastfeeding Patients / Killing baby bunnies with breast milk / Near term infant/


Food write ups:
Success / Grandma Chicken / breading tips / chicken and dumplings / Pickling Spices / Beef carrot and noodle soup / [pasta with broccoli / Pasta with Squash / Roasted vegetables / Cream of Celery Soup / Fat Free Half & Half / Chicken A La King / Pasta and Cabbage / Shrimp sauce and pasta / Skim deluxe / Spaghettini Estivi / stevia / radish / Stuffed pepper / tomato sauce / low fat / Black beans and rice / Italian bread / Lemon, garlic and rosemary / Parsley / apricot / ricotta / rose hip / Milk / Cleaning the scent of onions off your hands / Freezing Fresh Herbs / Bittersweet Chocolate Icing / Meatloaf / Mousse / Cool Whip / Hot Milk Cake / Pasta Primavera / mamaliga / Mezzanotte olive oil dip with sun dried tomatoes and fresh herbs / paella / Tres Leches / burger / butter cream icing / radish / sugar cookies /


My dad:
A long term project / Blennerhassett Island / Cartographer / Dia de los Muertos / Pablo Neruda / Paella / Sequoia National Park / Stroking the nose / eskimo /


Personal / General Misc:


Success  / medical insurance rant / I get a ticket, time with Dad and Dottie / Jury duty starts / Jury duty ends / Roadtrip with 13 YO Xie to Shenandoa / September garden journal / September garden journal / My dying father meets Meghan, I'm home briefly / Temporary long distance in relationship and "external pacing" / Geeks and whiteboards / Started S.A.F.E. study / Donna has back problem, patient advocate / Mom first has problems that lead to pacemaker insertion / Mom will need a new battery in FIVE years / NothingLast4Ever sent me a rock from Germany / My mom recovers and "payback is hell" / Elaine returns to Africa / New interest in astronomy (and links) / Teen parties and wedding flowers / Tearing down the woods for new road / Neighbor is a soldier / Teens grow up / Animals in my life / Lometa's perfect puppy / Cousin Lisa dies / A premature baby dies / Premature triplets go to breast - local teen shot / Gary gets a transplant / David / name match profession




Moon Phases - You can cutNpaste this to your website

Very cute, see my LJ profile page for an example



StuartO ))) says re Nonsense! I hereby dub thee, "The Evil Midnight Gardener Who Gardens at Midnight"! He's right.