Monarchs of Spain
970 - 1284
Kings of Castile and Leon
Sancho III of Navarre 970 - 1035
Fernando I, Castile 1035 - 1065, Leon 1037 - 1065
Sancho II, 1065 - 1072
Alfonso VI, Leon 1065 - 1109, Castile 1072 - 1109
Urraca, Queen 1109 - 1126
Alfonso VII, 1126 - 1157
Sancho III, Castile 1157 - 1158
Fernando II, Leon 1157 - 1188
Alfonso VII, Castile 1158 - 1214
Alfonso IX, Leon 1188 - 1230
Enrique I, Castile 1214 - 1217
Fernando III, Castile 1217 - 1252, Leon 1230 - 1252
Alfonso X, 1252 - 1284
Kings of Navarre
Garcia, 1035 - 1054
Sancho IV, 1054 - 1076
Sancho Ramirez, 1076 - 1094
Garcia Ramirez, 1134 - 1150
Sancho VI, 1150 - 1194
Sancho VII, 1194 - 1234
Teobaldo I, 1234 - 1253
Theobaldo II, 1253 - 1270
Enrique I, 1270 - 1274
Juana I, Queen, 1274 - 1305
Kings of Aragon
Ramiro I, 1035 - 1063
Sancho Ramirez, 1063 - 1094
Pedro I, 1094 - 1104
Alfonso I, 1104 - 1134
Ramiro II, 1134 - 1137
Petronilla, Queen of Aragon 1137 - 1162; Ramon Berenguez, King of Aragon 1150 - 1162
Alfonso II, 1162 - 1196
Pedro II, 1196 - 1213
Jaime I, 1213 - 1276
Pedro III, 1276 - 1285
The House of Castile
1252 - 1516
Alfonso X, 1252 - 1284
Sancho IV, 1284 - 1296
Fernando IV, 1396 - 1312
Alfonso XI, 1312 - 1350
Pedro the Cruel, 1350 - 1369
Enrique II of Trastamara, 1369 - 1379
Juan I, 1379 - 1391
Enrique III, 1390 - 1406
Juan II, 1406 - 1454
Enrique IV, 1454 - 1474
Isabella, 1474 - 1504, Ferdinand II the Catholic, King of Aragon, 1479 - 1516
The House of Aragon
1276 - 1516
Pedro III, 1276 - 1285
Alfonso III, 1285 - 1291
Jaime II, 1291 - 1327
Alfonso IV, 1327 - 1336
Pedro IV, 1336 - 1387
Juan I, 1387 - 1395
Martin I, 1395 - 1410
Fernando I, 1412 - 1416
Alfonso V, 1416 - 1458
Juan II, 1458 - 1479
Fernando II the Catholic, 1479 - 1516