支離叔與滑介叔觀於冥伯之丘,崑崙之虛,黃帝之所休。俄而柳生其左肘,其意蹶蹶然惡之。支離叔曰:「子惡之乎?」滑介叔曰:「亡。予何惡?生者,假借也;假之而生生者,塵垢也。死生為晝夜。且吾與子觀化而化及我,我又何惡焉?」- Zhuangzi, Outer Chapters, Perfect Enjoyment (至樂)
Mr. Deformed and Mr. One-foot were looking at the mound-graves of the departed in the wild of Kun-lun, where Huang-Di had entered into his rest. Suddenly a tumour began to grow on their left wrists, which made them look distressed as if they disliked it. The former said to the other, 'Do you dread it?' 'No,' replied he, 'why should I dread it? Life is a borrowed thing. The living frame thus borrowed is but so much dust. Life and death are like day and night. And you and I were looking at (the graves of) those who have undergone their change. If my change is coming to me, why should I dislike it?'
Zhuangzi went to Chu, he saw an empty skull, bleached indeed, but still retaining its shape. Tapping it with his horse-switch, he asked it, saying, 'Did you, Sir, in your greed of life, fail in the lessons of reason, and come to this? Or did you do so, in the service of a perishing state, by the punishment of the axe? Or was it through your evil conduct, reflecting disgrace on your parents and on your wife and children? Or was it through your hard endurances of cold and hunger? Or was it that you had completed your term of life?' Having given expression to these questions, he took up the skull, and made a pillow of it when he went to sleep.
At midnight the skull appeared to him in a dream, and said, 'What you said to me was after the fashion of an orator. All your words were about the entanglements of men in their lifetime. There are none of those things after death. Would you like to hear me, Sir, tell you about death?' 'I should,' said Zhuangzi, and the skull resumed: 'In death there are not (the distinctions of) ruler above and minister below. There are none of the phenomena of the four seasons. Tranquil and at ease, our years are those of heaven and earth. No king in his court has greater enjoyment than we have.' Zhuangzi did not believe it, and said, 'If I could get the Ruler of our Destiny to restore your body to life with its bones and flesh and skin, and to give you back your father and mother, your wife and children, and all your village acquaintances, would you wish me to do so?' The skull stared fixedly at him, knitted its brows, and said, 'How should I cast away the enjoyment of my royal court, and undertake again the toils of life among mankind?'
- user since
- Sun Feb 23 2003 at 04:41:38 (22.1 years ago )
- last seen
- Fri Jan 1 2021 at 21:24:52 (4.2 years ago )
- number of write-ups
- 71 - View nasreddin's writeups (feed)
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- 8 (Encyclopedist) / 3649
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- 41
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- a cad, 'im, eh? ah!
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- I'm beginning to think that nothing I think or say makes sense to anyone but me
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User Bookmarks:
- A Conversation Regarding the Work of Michel Foucault
- A Genealogical Excursus on "John Locke" (thing)
- A man feared that he might find an assassin
- A really good sandwich that ideath could make to take to work with her
- A Toast To The Unlikeliest Of Futures
- Around nine PM my heart was breaking so I went to bed early to listen to it happen.
- Asbjørnsen and Moe
- Asking random people for wisdom
- Autobiographical Statement: Indexed by Rivers
- Awkward squad
- Blindstory
- Break-up
- chicken-fried bunny
- Choky
- cigarette break
- Console holds nine beers
- Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando
- Do what you have to do
- Don't kill yourself until you've completed the checklist
- Dressed, out the door, dreaming
- Drink coffee. Smoke cigarettes. Eat fire.
- drinking whiskey in the park at night
- each flake a cold kiss she brushes off
- Early spring evening: loitering
- Every city is full of secret places
- Everyone except me is having a picnic on the moon
- Extensive tunnels and underground bunkers
- Fables from the Book of Yelps and Growls
- Five Scenes From A Lost Meteorology (idea)
- for white people
- Forest Gate Steak and Cheese Sandwich
- Fortean skeptic
- Fortunately I Found My Copy of Candide
- Further conversations with a hot dog vendor
- haraka haraka haina baraka
- Harlem - 125th Street (place)
- Heterophemist
- Hot day love cliches
- How I came to love tea
- How Leisure Came
- How to smoke yourself retarded
- I have no idea what you're talking about, so here's a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head.
- I'm the most off-beat genius you ever knew; I'm so iconoclastic I'm clastic
- ice cream and psilocybin
- Iced Brevet
- Idea pot
- If you ask me about autumn, I'll tell you about
- Imbastardize (definition)
- in a lawn chair at the bottom of an emptied swimming pool
- Infundibulum
- It appears to be a sock castle of some kind
- kudzu-yu
- Lanchester Systems and the Lanchester Laws of Combat
- Lawnmowers and nectarines
- libraries are sexy
- Life in the American business world
- little anarchy panties
- Low Smokes With a Cartoon
- madness is a cancer (idea)
- Misemployment
- My mother and two Rastafarians
- My secret about cigarettes
- Neoism
- Neoist funerary rites
- On Killing a Tax Collector
- Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.
- Outwhore (definition)
- People only enter relationships to have extravagant break ups
- Picasso on Stalin's cock
- pile of kittens
- Please Make Noises which Do Not Signify (idea)
- pursue nothing
- Religion in the Skippy aisle
- Saintship
- Sammiches of old tomatoes & new bread
- Sample population found statistically insignificant
- Scheißhaus
- Scribblings from a table at Rue De La Course
- secret city map with pins set at the places their eyes had met (idea)
- Seminarians: Pilot Episode - Act One
- Six good men who listened
- Slipping in Detroit
- Soda in a Martini Glass (thing)
- Steak Diane
- Still-closing
- Suburban Dreams
- Superfineness
- Sympathy tokens, breast cancer and why I almost killed a pacifist
- Taking Down Large Larry
- Tell me a story about trains
- Tell me about your secret places
- The Bear FAQ
- The best compliment an actor can receive
- The Book of Markov (thing)
- the cool silence that inevitably follows the vanishing of aeroplanes
- The crack whores vs. hellfire
- The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, 10
- The Golden Sayings of Epictetus, 7
- The gritty, solitary beauty of riding a bike across the 59th St. bridge at dawn
- The Let's Just Be Friends Shack
- The Militarization and Privatization of Public Space
- The post-encounter hair check
- The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel
- The Society for the Abolition of Privacy
- The soundtrack to your life
- The terrible beauty of an industrial landscape at dawn
- The terrorists have already won "ANY BREAKFAST BAGEL SANDWICH" at McDonald's!
- The Three Men I Admired Most: Manhattan, 9/11/01 (thing)
- The tragically broken hip (person)
- The world's philosophers get stoned
- Through a city that's forgotten
- Times when you MUST have a smoke
- Tittlebat (definition)
- to say 'yes' to one moment is to say 'yes' to all of eternity
- Tricrotism
- Uncentury (definition)
- Update, 28 April: We still miss kissing
- variety, in the sense of: taste in people
- Villages in Germany are three kilotons apart
- Warning to travellers from an Arab gentleman
- We don't talk about those sorts of things (idea)
- we found that which made the human heart beat and built an autobahn to it
- We only smoke when bored so we do two packs a day, and we've lost the difference between bored and lonely anyway
- we used to be punk
- we woke up to find you gone. well, said the city, we still have the river.
- Welcome to heartache head
- What people talk about when they can't think of anything to talk about
- When you are alone you are the cat you are the phone you are an animal
- White House toilet paper crisis
- why life doesn't suck: a pep talk
- Windows 2000 Dadacenter Server
- Yo, this is def, number 3 on the phone!
- You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes
- You have been paroled from participation in the Capitalist Project
- You love these machines. These machines are dead: a love story.
- Your Sucking Funny Day
- Zen Story: Nothing Exists
- Ziploc bag omelet