Novus Ordo is the name given to the post-
Vatican II Mass of the
Roman Catholic Church. In actuality, all modern (post-
liturgies can be called
Missale Romanum, the Roman Missal. The structure of the Novus Ordo differs from the
Tridentine Mass (see also:
Tridentine Mass) in these respects:
liturgy is predominately in the
vernacular. Moreover, it is a simplified vernacular with very guarded use of
polysyllabic words (read, above
trisyllabic) and complex sentences. Contemporary pronoun use is observed for the most part (thy = your, etc.)
Latin, the traditional Catholic liturgical language, is permitted but is generally not favored.
The priest faces the people at a
altar, which is free standing. Prior to the reform of the Mass, the priest had his back to the people, facing an altar that resembled a ledge (i.e. it could not be walked around, and frequently was attached to a
niche or wall.) The priest only turned away from the altar to face the people when the liturgy called for the priest to dialogue with the
There are limited roles for
laity (distribution of
Eucharist, readings from the
Bible during the Mass.)
The Tridentine
Introit (opening verse) has been moved to the very beginning, during the procession of the priest and ministers. Previously, it was sandwiched between the closing
Prayers at the Foot of the Altar and the
Kyrie. The Introit is rarely said now, since any hymn can be substituted, frequently one unrelated to the Introit. Likewise, the
Gradual has also been modified. A sequence from the
Psalms previously recited only by the priest between the
Epistle and
Gospel, is recited by priest and congregation in a verse-response format. Note that the Gradual has not been moved from its original position. This new Gradual format is called the
Responsorial Psalm.
The priest does not read the Bible readings in Latin first and then English. Masses said in Latin (in most cases) have English-only readings, though every word of the Mass can still be said in Latin, if the priest desires.
Priests now have a much greater choice of
Eucharistic Prayers, previously known as the
Canon. Priests are also permitted to improvise a bit during the Mass, a brief
sermon in the beginning as well as in the middle may be interjected to "tie together" today's message.
Girls/women may serve as altar servers (previously called "altar boys")
The liturgies of some major holidays such as
Holy Week, the solemn week before
Easter, have been simplified and time-shifted for greater access.
Many have debated the relative merits of these reforms, as no clear standard for liturgy exists in Catholicism anymore. The reforms were designed to bring more creativity to the Mass, but now some
Catholics yearn for more rules.