The final track on the Will Oldham (a.k.a Palace Music/Bonnie Prince Billie) album 'Viva Last Blues'. Oldham's distinctive voice is full of haunting as he sings the cryptic lines. The song's mixture of religious and sexual imagery recalls Leonard Cohen. "I expect to see your figure standing naked over me" reminds me of a Cohen line "I want to see you naked over there, especially from the back".The sole instrument to back Oldham's voice, an acoustic guitar imperfectly strumming the minor chords, heightens the intimacy.

final verse:

...We're gonna be rejoined
And the children will love it
All my brothers and my sisters resting holy above it
Let us wallow, let us play, this is our god's day
Let us wallow, let us play, this is our god's day

-Will Oldham
CST approved

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