Pranzo Oltranzista Banquet Piece for Five Players
01. Elettricità Atmosferiche Candite (1:19) Candied Atmospheric Electricities 02. Carne Cruda Squarciata Dal Suono Di Sassofono (2:32) Raw Meat Torn by Saxophone Blasts 03. Vivanda il Scodella (3:15) Magic in a Bowl 04. Guerrainletto (1:51) War in Bed 05. Contorno Tattile (Per Russolo) (2:01) Tactile Contorno 06. I Rumori Nutrienti (4:26) Apertif in Sound 07. Garofani Allo Spiedo (2:56) Geraniums on a Spit 08. Aerovivanda (2:33) Aerofood 09. Scoppioingola (3:00) Throat Explosion 10. Latte Alla Luce Verde (3:24) Milk in a Green Light 11. Bombe A Mano (4:00) Hand Grenades
cello: Erik Friedlander voice, sound effects: Mike Patton guitar: Marc Ribot percussion: William Winant Alto Saxophone: John Zorn
Produced by: Mike Patton.
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