One of the two ways of terminating a piece of fibre (or fiber if you're American). It has the familiar locking system from phone plugs and CAT5 network cable. Compare with ST.

sc, short for Spreadsheet Calculator, is a terminal based free spreadsheet program for Unix-based operating systems such as GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. It is similar to VisiCalc.

To run the program, type sc with whichever filename you want to create or modify.

When you first start it up, you should see a screen like this:

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0             <

You can move the cursor around just like in vi, so j is down, k is up, h is left and l is right (once you memorize this it becomes much quicker than using cursor keys).

To insert left aligned text, move to the cell you want to put it in and press < followed by the text and then enter. Right aligned text works in the same way, using the > key.

Using right justify, you can come up with column headers and other text like this:

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0         Part<    Price  Quantity     Total
2        A-110
3        A-130
4      A-100B8
6                      Grand total

Numbers are entered by moving to the appropriate cell, pressing =, typing in the number and pressing enter. This gives us the following:

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0         Part     Price  Quantity     Total
2        A-110     75.00<     1.00
3        A-130     46.00      1.00
4      A-100B8      3.00      6.00
6                      Grand total

Now let's get rid of the decimal places for quantities as these are only going to be integers. To do this, go to the cell you want to be an integer and press F then # and enter.

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0         Part     Price  Quantity     Total
2        A-110     75.00         1<
3        A-130     46.00         1
4      A-100B8      3.00         6
6                      Grand total

Next, we can specify the currency. Press F again, then $#,0.00;($#,0.00) and enter.

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0         Part     Price  Quantity     Total
2        A-110    $75.00         1
3        A-130    $46.00         1
4      A-100B8     $3.00         6
6                      Grand total          <

Now we let the program do maths for us. In cell D2, we can type =B2*C2 to make it work out what number should be in that cell, and so on.

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0         Part     Price  Quantity     Total
2        A-110    $75.00         1     75.00
3        A-130    $46.00         1     46.00
4      A-100B8     $3.00         6     18.00
6                      Grand total          <

Lastly, we can add up the totals to find out the grand total. In cell D6, simply type =@sum(D2:D4). After a bit more currency formatting, the spreadsheet is complete.

         A         B         C         D         E         F         G
0         Part     Price  Quantity     Total
2        A-110    $75.00         1    $75.00
3        A-130    $46.00         1    $46.00
4      A-100B8     $3.00         6    $18.00
6                      Grand total   $139.00<

You can then quit it by pressing q, and agree to update the file by pressing y.

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