Savara-sri-gaura-pada-padme Prarthana
(Prayer to the Lotus Feet of Sri Gauranga)
by Srila Narottama dasa Thakura
(1) sri-krishna-caitanya prabhu doya koro more
toma vina ke doyalu jagat-samsare
(2) patita-pavana-hetu tava avatara
mo sama patita prabhu na paibe ara
(3) ha ha prabhu nityananda, premananda sukhi
kripabalokana koro ami boro duhkhi
(4) doya koro sita-pati advaitqa gosai
tava kripa-bale pai caitanya-nitai
(5) ha ha svarup, sanatana, rupa, raghunatha
bhatta-yuga, sri-jiva ha prabhu lokanatha
(6) doya koro sri-acarya prabhu srinivasa
ramacandra-sanga mage narottama-dasa
(1) My dear Lord Caitanya, please be
merciful to me, because who can be more merciful than Your Lordship within these
(three) worlds of repeated birth and death [samsara].
(2) You may descended in order to deliver fallen souls.
O my Lord, You will not find a more fallen soul than me (therefore my claim is first).
(3) O my dear Lord Nityananda. Since you are always very
joyful in spiritual bliss, please cast your merciful glance over me, because I am
very unhappy (and thus I may also become happy).
(4) My dear Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sita(*). You are so kind.
Please be kind to me. If You are so kind to me, naturally Lord Caitanya
and Lord Nityananda will also be kind to me.
(5) O my dear Svarupa Damodar, Sanatana, Rupa, Raghunath,
Gopala bhatta, Raghunatha bhatta, Sri Jiva and Lokanatha prabhu (please be
merciful unto me).
(6) O Srinivas Acarya [the next acarya to the six Gosvamis],
please be merciful unto me. O Ramacandra, (my dear friend) Narottam das always desires your company.
Prabhupada writes:
The whole process is that we should always pray for the mercy of the superior
acaryas and keep company with pure devotees. Then it will be easier for us
to advance in Krishna Consciousness and receive the mercy of Lord Caitanya
and Lord Krishna. This is the sum and substance of this song by Narottama dasa Thakura.
(*) not Sita, the wife of Rama, but Srimate Sita Thakurani.
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