All mammals have body hair, more or less. Most have a more complete covering than humans, and I'd have to guess that it doesn't play a part in their mating. Humans generally have significant patches on their heads, armpits, and pubes, while varying amounts (mostly on the "less" side of the spectrum) appear on legs, arms, torso, and back. Men also grow beards, while women (outside the circus) do not. Most choose to remove them regularly, while lumberjacks and others let them grow and perhaps style them in one of many ways. Most men eventually at various ages slowly lose some or all of the hair on their heads, and also lose the coloring ("going gray").
But humans have sexual preferences regarding hair in their (potential) partners. Many women prefer a bald pate on a man; men generally don't. (We like our hair). Some really like a beard of some kind. I personally don't understand that; I've never kissed a bearded man, but — well, it's not for me.
Most women remove their axillary (armpit) hair, though I can find them attractive if they don't. That may or may not be related to my attraction to both men and women, and nice dark armpits on both. That could also be why women assume most men don't like it, if it would remind them of a man.
It has been said that pubic hair actually has an evolutionary purpose, making coitus easier. I don't buy that. In any case, I also like a nice bush of pubic hair. For some reason, pubic hair on a woman tends to grow in a confined triangular area, while on a man it just spreads. Some prefer a naked pubis on a woman. But another confounder for me is that in the last few years, both women and men of a recent generation have more and more come to completely shave their armpits and "down there". I just don't see how that increases sexiness.
Both axillary and pubic hair can capture perspiration, and thus be noxious to some nostrils.
Men pretty much have an exclusive when it comes to chest hair. They either have it or they don't, and there are fans of both. Some men who have it but would rather not, completely shave it. Swimmers do also — and legs and arms — to get that last hundredth of a second in a race.
Also confined to men is what is called a "happy trail" or "treasure trail". I think this is mostly prized by men attracted to men; I've never heard of women particularly liking it or not liking it. It's a small line of hair extending from the pubes up toward (or past) the navel. Seeing it on a shirtless man is … excuse me a moment. Okay, I'm back. Having or not having a trail is not related to chest hair, from my observations.
While physical attributes aren't the most important, here's hoping that your guy or gal has the hair you like!
499 words for HairQuest 2024