Up until now, you may have thought nothing of sitting down in front of
TV, loading a CD into your Playstation, and whiling away time playing your
favourite video game. I urge you to read this essay and rethink how you
spend your time and the
Sony Playstation - A Tool of the Devil?
Sony Corporation's PSX or '
Playstation' game console is among the most
popular home game systems in the world. Millions world-wide own and use
them daily. Although some groups see them as detrimental to young people's
mental development, they are generally perceived as harmless
for the whole family. But are they really so harmless? Mabe the NID can
help you decide. Read on...
Everyone is familiar with the old adage "
an idle mind is the devil's
playground". But how true is this, in reality? In the
on the
Inquisition we find that "ever and anon the souls of the addled
distracted are the fodder of hell's naughty denizens"(x). If we look
deeper, there is actually no end of compelling scientific evidence to
support this theory.
Meditation has been used since the dawn of civilisation by most Eastern
cultures as a way of acheiving spiritual
enlightenment. Most forms of
meditation involve remaining physically still and allowing the mind to
empty, closing off from one's surroundings. In this way, a state of
spiritual transcendence may supposedly be achieived. In fact in most
transcendental meditation the body assumes a state very similar to
sleep. The brain's
beta waves reach a peak and the
alpha waves dwindle
almost nothing. At this point the mind has let down all of its psychic
defenses and is highly vulnerable to attack by
entities. In
this way one may fall victim to supernatural influence or even demonic
possession. In the
Middle Ages there existed a supersititious belief in
this nocturnal vulnerability, which was refered to as 'the Terror of the
The Playstation gamers unknowingly (perhaps) adopt a physical and psychic
posture akin to certain types of transcendental meditation. The "Sparrow
Thumb" meditation technique, which has been used by
Buddhist monks in
Tibet and parts of
China since the twelfth century, involves gazing
fixedly ahead. The entire body remains completely motionless with the sole
exception of the thumbs, which are extended in from the abdomen and moved
in a series of rapid unconscious patterns. The Wu Tao
monks believe that
Sparrow Thumb meditation, if practiced for several hours, is the best way
to become compeltely transcendendant. Strangely, the Sparrow Thumb posture
parallels dnace movements used by
Haiti voodoo cultists as
part of
rituals in which they claim to become possessed by non-corporeal
spirits. I am currently in the early stages of a study which I hope will
demonstrate that prolonged Playstation gaming invokes a meditative state
in which the brain's beta waves mimic those of deep sleep.
Jean-Baptise D'Arentois, writing in the seventeenth century, told of a
global conspiracy against mankind. He theorised that agents of the
infernal realm had been active on Earth since the days of the Greek
city-states, attempting to undermine the existing order. Arentois drew
upon evidence from numerous sources, the writing of Pentikos of Thebes in
particular. He carried on Pentikos' conention that the forces of the
Underworld were endeavouring to remove human civilisation to clera the
for their own new order, the
polis demonika. Arentois adapted this
phrase to fit
Christian theory, coining the phrase 'satane polite'
(lit. satan polity), which was used by many subsequent French inquisitors
and witch-smellers.
There is overwhelming evidence of this internal conspiracy in every
corner of the world - even
our own little corner. In August
of 1997, the price of a standard PSX console here in New Zealand was
lowered the NZ$230. During the same month, the price of silver dropped to
NZ$8.90 an ounce. So a Sony Playstation was worth the same as
approximately 25.8 ounces of silver. According to the research of Leopold
Fleischman(x), the average weight of the silver shekel used in Judea was
exactly 0.86 ounces. This means that the Sony Playstation today (Ed. -
currently not correct) costs the equivalent of 30 pieces of silver - the
very amount
Judas Iscariot was paid to betray Our Lord
Why are Playstation disks black? Because they echo the black host,
consecrated with human blood, used in
satanic black mass
the world
over. During these masses, a prayer is usually spoken in honour of Asmodai
Belial, in a twisted parody of the
Catholic Eucharist. This litany
always be accompanied by the satanic salute which is performed with the
left hand - the deliberate opposite of genuflection. The black litany
begins: "By my left had I move you and by my words I abjure you, O
Lord and Master..."
By my left hand I move you. Anyone who was
or used (or been used by) a Playstation can tell you that the directional
or 'movement' controls are operated with
the left hand.
As we have seen, much of satanist practice is based on Catholic
doctrine. Somtimes this can involved cunning use of word alteration, such
as reversal and
anagrams. Closer inspection of certain words suggests
that Sony had more than
fun and games on their minds when they conceived
this unholy device. By re-arranging the letters in 'Sony Playstation' we
get 'yon satanist ploy'. A hidden warning? Similarly, 'Playstation' is an
anagram of 'satan polity' - a blatant reference to Jean-Baptiste
D'Arentois's feared infernal
In occult practice, signs and symbols have always been very
important. Arcane inscriptions are part of most
black magic rituals. If
we look closely at the four symbols Playstation, the circle, the square,
the triangle, and the cross, we see echoes of some sinister occult
sigils. For example, could the innocent-looking purple cross be, apart
from a fiendishly subtle allusion to the inverted Christian cross, a
clever variation on the symbol of
Yog-Sothoth, The Master of the Gate to
Also, by combining the circle (blood red, of course) and the cross, we can
easily get the personal sigil of
Shub-Niggurath, The Great Black Goat of
the Woods.
Already we have found in the symbolism of Playstation references to two of
Great Old Ones, ancient
occult Gods. This is just barely
scratching the surface, yet how can even this much be mere
Note: this essay is intended as humour. In fact I myself have spent
many an hour playing Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII through
to the end.