Population as of 2001: 756600
Land size: 75,885 square miles
State flower: prairie pasque
State bird: pheasant
State capital: Pierre (pronounced by locals as "peer")
Largest city: Sioux Falls (population: 124.000 as of 2000 census)
Population density of 9.9 persons/square mile1
Divorce rate of persons over age 15:
8.8% 2
According to natives, South Dakota can be split geographically into "east river" and "west river." "East river" refers to all the land east of the Missouri River. Likewise, "west river" refers to land west of the Missouri River. If you come to visit SD, I would suggest visiting west river. Go west river if you want to see anything interesting or scenic, such as the Black Hills, Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, or the Harley Davidson Motorcycle Rally. Go east river if you want to see...well...corn (on second thought, go to Nebraska for that).
1. http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/46000.html
2. http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/BasicFactsTable?_lang=en&_vt_name=DEC_2000_SF3_U_DP2&_geo_id=04000US46