Last updated Thursday March 21, 2002

This is intended to be the E2 Text Formatter to end all Text Formatters. It will insert paragraphs. It will insert line breaks. It will escape special characters. It will format lists of items. And it will add styles, interpret horizontal rules, and indent using the markup tags of your choice, all thanks to the power of regular expressions.

The "undo" and "preview" features are there because I always wanted them. I hope they're useful. Several configurable options are below the form buttons; their default settings are all what seem to be used most often.

The one caveat is that your browser must support JavaScript 1.2, which includes Netscape 4.0, Internet Explorer 4.0, and Opera 5.0. If you have any problems, comments, or whatnot, send a /msg to mblase.

Enter the text to format below. Clear the box

Format new lines using:
        <p>...</p> paragraph tags at empty lines
        <br /> line break after each new line

Convert *starred text* to:
        bold italics underline plain text don't convert to HTML
Convert _underscored text_ to:
        bold italics underline plain text don't convert to HTML
Convert /slashed text/ to:
        bold italics underline plain text don't convert to HTML

Convert lines beginning with * or . to:
        bulleted lists numbered lists don't convert to lists
Convert lines beginning with - or -- to:
        bulleted lists numbered lists don't convert to lists
Convert lines beginning with 1.2.3. or 1)2)3) to:
        bulleted lists numbered lists don't convert to lists
Convert other indented text to:
        blockquotes preformatted text don't indent

Convert rows of hyphens, equals or underscores into <hr /> tags
Use <strong> and <em> instead of <b> and <i>
Convert all "curly quotes" to standard quotes
Convert [brackets] to HTML symbols
Convert other ASCII characters to HTML symbols
Strip existing HTML tags before formatting