The PJs was a short-lived, animated sitcom that began airing on Fox in 1999. The show revolved around the Stubbs' life in the Hilton-Jacobs Projects (hence, PJs).

Created by Eddie MurphySteve Tompkins (a writer for The Simpsons) and Larry Wilmore (who went on to create The Bernie Mac Show), forty-one episodes were produced before it was canceled in 2001. After its run on FOX it was briefly aired on the WB in re-runs, where it was quickly canceled again. The program most recently saw the light of day on the Trio cable network.

The main character, originally voiced by Eddie Murphy, Thurgoode Orenthal Stubbs, is the super in a low-income apartment building. When he's not lazing around the couch he interacts with the stereotypical tenants in a standard sitcom format. The scripts were witty and character driven, trying desperately to be politically incorrect. Jokes are packed in similar to Family Guy, one after another, consistently stabbing at pop culture through reference or satire. The series abruptly lost steam when Murphy left the show after one season. In the two subsequent seasons the role of Thurgoode was voiced by Mark Moseley.

The animation itself was created with stop motion using plasticine foam miniatures (some call it foamation). The character models were designed by Will Vinton who worked on the equally doomed Gary and Mike, and earlier, the California Raisins resurgence in the late 80s.

Voice Talent

Some cast info from

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