Near Matches
Ignore Exact
This is what we have. Let's do our best.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us
First Requisites
four mark word game
what am i here to do?
My ears are always searching for the best sounds. I try not to let my eyes get locked into a particular sight.
but the only power i truly have is the strength to let it go
what if the most important thing you will ever do you have already done?
What do you have that you did not receive?
Does the sun have a mother?
do you remember the disco rhombus? it must have all been a dream.
These papers do not show what I have done
The hope that life isn't simply what remains after we have locked our childhoods away.
all you have to do is think and they'll grow
if you do not fail, you have learned nothing
Do you have your heart on a lacerating javelin?
Let's go, keys. I've been drinking vodka and have a lot of big ideas.
We should do well to take our lesson from the stars
our voices, once clarion, have been muted by time and mortgages
I still have a lot of exploring to do
Do not let this groove fool you
our best kisses are always at earthquakes and impacts
What do I have of my mother's?
Why do we have to rebuild it every night?
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