Mike1024's Prom Tips
Have a date? - This really isn't the big issue it used to be. Plenty of people attend proms in groups, or alone. But if you can get a date, try to. They'll like you for it.
Invitations - If you accept an invitation, or have one accepted, you are locked in. It isn't polite to back out. Also, try to avoid turning down invitations waiting for someone better to come along. If you must turn someone down, give them an honest reason. Don't say "I'm out of town" then turn up.
Money - Proms cost money. It's quite popular for couples or groups to form to share the costs. This should be decided on before hand, for anyone who needs to save up money. Most groups split the cost evenly.
If tipping is customary in your country, don't forget to take a tip for drivers, waiters, etc. if required.
Flowers - Guys, if you have a date, buy flowers. Get them late, so they'll be fresh, but not too late. On the day or the day before is normally best. Get to the shop early to make sure they have stock in. Girls: If your date gets you a corsage or boutonnière, wear it.
If you don't know what your date will be wearing, you can't go wrong with white roses, freesia, stephanotis or spicy carnations — all are pretty. The florist can help you.
Planning - Plan as far in advance as is realistic. Some companies offer discounts for early booking. Last minute restaurant booking, limo hire, suit buying, etc. is often difficult.
Formal vs. Semi-formal - Formal means long dresses and tuxedos. Semi-formal means shorter dresses, dinner jackets, sports coats and ties. If you have a date from another school, tell them about what to wear.
Tuxedos come in many colours, but basic black ones are still traditional, and kinder to your wallet. You can make it more exciting with an unusual bow tie or cummerbund.
Dance - That's what you're here to do. So do it.
And finally... - Tidy up your manners to match your outfit. Let your parents take your picture - you'll be glad of it later, and you can always throw it away. Try not to get *too* drunk, and don't let someone drunk drive you home. Have some money for a taxi just in case. If your parents set a time to get home, try to pay *some* attention to it; it'll make you look responsible and stuff.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. Oh, and have fun; this is of paramount importance.