"Um, can we have a Not Michael Vick Day?"
Warwick High School is a hideous boxlike
public high school (grades 9-12) in
Newport News, Virginia. Opened in 1926 as Morrison High School; name became Warwick High School in 1948. The city, in its infinite wisdom, used the same
grotesque building plan for both Warwick High School and Denbigh High School at the other end of town. There are a total of five public high schools in Newport News.
- Location: 51 Copeland Ln., Newport News, VA
- Aspect: bleak
- Aroma: cafeteria meatloaf with a whiff of cleaning products, hair gel, and bathroom
- School colors: maroon and gold
- Decor: unremarkable linoleum, post-it note yellow bathroom tiles, and cinderblock painted any of the following colors: maroon, "gold" (i.e. bright yellow), some terrible shade of green from the seventies. Don't forget lockers.
- Mascot: currently the Raiders, formerly the Farmers (yes, Newport News was more rural back then)
- Size: approximately 1,650 students
- Claims to fame:
- The school is very much stratified: the upper-level (IB and AP) students rarely mix with the other students (mainly because they don't have any classes together). Some cry elitism.
- Those that go to college tend to go to:
- The more intelligent/organized generally go to
- I refuse to take a stand on the merits of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University or Washington and Lee University, which are also popular destinations.
- When students skip class, they usually go to Barnes and Noble.
- url: http://warwick.nn.k12.va.us/