A drink that will seriously impact your ability to think. Best served with groups. In fact, if you tried to drink it yourself, you would DIE.


  • 26er of Alcool
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 3 oranges
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 limes
  • ice

Put all of the booze, fruit and sugar in a large deli-pickle jar, and half the ice.

Shake for 20 minutes, passing from person to person (believe me, you can't shake this thing for that long by yourself).

Refill the ice at the 10 minute point.

After 20 minutes, start drinking, again passing from person to person (best to do this with friends, not complete strangers).

Depending on how many people you've got in the group, you may need to do this again, just to really get the full effect.

NOTE: Acts as a memory inhibitor for a short time. I remember making the first one, and part of the second one. I next remember waking up.

Over to the Everything Bartender!

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