Calcarea carbonica, also known as calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni or calcium carbonate, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the middle parts of the shells of oysters. When taken with vitamin D supplements, calcarea carbonica is a good source of calcium, which promotes bone development and can help prevent osteoporosis.

The function of calcium in bone growth has resulted in the mineral being offered as a remedy for slow-healing fractures, slow bone development, and slow tooth development.

Calcium-ion release from muscle fibers is also directly involved in the contraction of muscles, making this supplement a good preventor of muscle cramping, muscle pain, and menstrual pain caused by cramping.

Calcium-ion exchange promotes the flow of sodium and potassium ions into and out of certain tissues, including the lining of the stomach and along the axons of neurons. This makes calcarea carbonica effective in treating heartburn and acid indigestion, and also may help explain its function in relieving teething pain, back pain, arthritis, anxiety, obsessive activity, fear of failure, and insomnia.

Calcium ion exchange is responsible for the transmission of contraction signals from the sinoatrial area of the heart to the atria of the heart in order to make the heart beat. It is also required for proper oxygen flow through the blood and for proper blood clotting. This may explain calcarea carbonica's effectiveness in treating certain inflammatory responses, certain menstrual problems involving excessive or erratic bleeding, and psychological problems such as anxiety.

Other health problems in which calcarea carbonica seems to be effective include eczema, yeast infections, tonsillitis, gallstones, ear infections, constipation, asthma, and conditions aggravated by cold weather, physical stress, or spring weather.

Sources: \ &prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcalcarea%2Bcarbonica%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF8%26oe%3DUTF8%26sa%3DN (A German page, translated by Google)
Solomon, E.P., L. Berg, and D. Martin. 2002. Biology, 6th edition. Brooks/Cole and Thomson Learning, United States.

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