A Classroom Discipline Plan is a system that allows me to clarify what behaviors I expect from my students and what they can expect from me in return. My objective is to have a fair and consistent way in which to deal with all students, the results are an atmosphere conducive to teaching and permits more time on-task for learning.
It also serves as an integral part of my teacher-parent involvement plan. By letting parents know exactly how their children are to behave, what will happen when they do behave and what will happen when they don't.
The Classroom Discipline Plan is composed of three parts:
1 Rules that students must follow at all times.
2 Consequences that result when students choose not to follow the rules.
3 Rewards for when students do follow the rules.
Sample elementary discipline plan
Classroom Discipline Plan
Classroom Rules
-Follow directions the first time they are given.
-Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself
-No teasing or name calling.
-Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up.
-Raise your hand and wait to be called upon before speaking.
First time a student breaks a rule: Warning
Second time: Last in line for lunch
Third time: Time out area
Fourth time: Teacher calls parents
Fifth time: Send to the principal
Severe Clause: Send to the principal
Students who follow the rules receive:
-Positive notes sent home
-Small rewards
-Class parties
Sample secondary discipline plan
Classroom Discipline Plan
Classroom Rules
-Follow directions the first time they are given
-Be in the classroom and seated when the bell rings
-Raise hand to be recognized before speaking
-Do not swear
First time a student breaks a rule: Warning
Second time: Stays in class 1 minute after the bell.
Third time; Stays in class 2 minutes after the bell
Fourth time: Call parents
Fifth time: Send to principal
Severe Clause: Send to principal
Students who comply with the rules receive:
-Positive notes sent home
-Privilege pass
I send a note home to the parent explaining that these are the rules of my classroom and are in effect at all times. Severe misbehavior, such as fighting, verbal abuse will result in the immediate imposition of the Severe Clause: Send to principal. I explain that I have already discussed (actually at the elementary level I teach it as a fun game ie. students are chosen to roll play the teacher and various mis-behaving students ) There is a tear off section for the parent to sign and return saying they have talked to their child about the discipline plan.
The end result is that I have well-defined rules and predetermined consequences from the very beginning which establishes classroom control and creates a basis for me to effectively communicate with parents. I am able to:
Judge student behavior fairly.
Discuss behavior problems more confidently with parents.
My reasons for discipline are never vague or arbitrary. I can accurately describe to the student or parent:
The rule(s) that the student has broken
The consequences of the student's misbehavior.
Yes it's a commitment that's time consuming to prepare, but
I find it well worth the effort as it saves me time and energy in the future. These are preventative actions that puts parental involvement on the right track from the first day of school and they set the stage for a full year of positive parental involvement.