"create table nodes (
nodetitle char(63) not null,
desc1 char(255),
desc1b char(255),
desc2 char(255),
desc2b char(255),
author1 char(63),
author2 char(63),
votes1 integer,
votes2 integer,
nodevote integer,
numnodevotes integer,
nodevoteavg decimal(2, 2),
createdby char(63),
createtime datetime,
totalhits integer,
hits char(62),
nodetype char(10),
rnum float,
primary key (nodetitle)

create table links (
fromnode char(63) not null,
tonode char(63) not null,
tonodetype char(10),
hits char(62),
monthhits integer,
createdby char(63),
createtime datetime,
primary key (fromnode, tonode)

create table users (
uid char(63) not null,
passwd char(8),
createtime datetime,
host char(40),
realname char(40),
email char(40),
security integer,
primary key (uid)

create table sessions (
sid char(20) not null,
uid char(63) not null,
tstamp timestamp,
primary key (sid)

create table coolnodes (
nodetitle char(63) not null,
createtime datetime,
primary key (nodetitle)

create table documents (
nodetitle char(63) not null,
mytext text,
primary key (nodetitle)


see also multiple nodes named N were drunk.
this createtables was taken from everything source code. in everything 2, the s was taken from the end of many of these. for instance, user, document. e2node follows this convention, kind of, and there's also a node dbtable, which i assume is for the imports, so it's possible to keep the node and e2node parts separate. links is still a dbtable. I can't find a sessions dbtable... coolnodes is one, though. Permission Denied and all that.
nodegroup is a nodetype and a dbtable.

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